# Filename: A15c_2D_perfect_kiss_serverN.py
# Written by: James D. Miller
# 5:30 PM Sat May 18, 2019
import sys, os
import pygame
import datetime
import math
import random
import time
import commands, platform
import inspect
# PyGame Constants
from pygame.locals import *
from pygame.color import THECOLORS
# PyGame gui
from pgu import gui
# Import the vector class from a local module (in this same directory)
from vec2d_jdm import Vec2D
# Networking
from PodSixNet.Server import Server
from PodSixNet.Channel import Channel
import socket
# Argument parsing...
import argparse
# Classes
class ClientChannel(Channel):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Channel.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
# def Network(self, data):
# #print "Client State Dictionary:", data
# #print "Network, data['ID']", data['ID']
# pass
def Network_CN(self, data):
#global env
# Store incoming data in the client objects.
speaking_client_name = 'C' + str(data['ID'])
# Check to make sure that this client is still in the client dictionary.
if speaking_client_name in env.clients:
# Mouse controls.
env.clients[speaking_client_name].cursor_location_px = data['mXY'] # mouse x,y
env.clients[speaking_client_name].buttonIsStillDown = data['mBd'] # mouse button down (true/false)
env.clients[speaking_client_name].mouse_button = data['mB'] # mouse button number (1,2,3,0)
# Jet controls.
# Make the s key behave as a toggle.
# If key is up, make it ready to accept the down ('D') event.
if (data['s'] == 'U'):
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_s_onoff = 'ON'
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_s = data['s']
# If getting 'D' from network client and the key is enabled.
elif (env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_s_onoff == 'ON'):
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_s = data['s']
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_a = data['a']
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_d = data['d']
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_w = data['w']
# Control for stopping all objects (f for freeze).
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_f = data['f']
# Gun controls.
# Make the k key behave as a toggle.
# If key is up, make it ready to accept the down ('D') event.
if (data['k'] == 'U'):
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_k_onoff = 'ON'
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_k = data['k']
# If getting 'D' from network client and the key is enabled.
elif (env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_k_onoff == 'ON'):
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_k = data['k']
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_j = data['j']
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_l = data['l']
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_i = data['i']
env.clients[speaking_client_name].key_space = data[' ']
# Keep track of client activity...
env.clients[speaking_client_name].sendCount += 1
def Close(self):
print "A network client game pad has been closed."
class GameServer(Server):
channelClass = ClientChannel
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Server.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
self.client_count = 0
# This runs when each client connects.
def Connected(self, channel, addr):
#print 'new connection (channel, addr):', channel, addr
self.client_count += 1
if (self.client_count <= 10):
channel.Send({"action": "hello", "P_ID":self.client_count})
client_name = 'C' + str(self.client_count)
# Make a client and put it in the clients list.
env.clients[client_name] = Client(env.client_colors[client_name])
# Add the channel as an attribute of the client. Use this to Send to this client.
env.clients[client_name].channel = channel
channel.Send({"action": "hello", "P_ID":0})
print "self.client_count =", self.client_count
class Client:
def __init__(self, cursor_color):
self.cursor_location_px = (0,0) # x_px, y_px
self.mouse_button = 1 # 1, 2, or 3
self.buttonIsStillDown = False
self.channel = 0
# Jet
self.key_a = "U"
self.key_s = "U"
self.key_s_onoff = "ON"
self.key_d = "U"
self.key_w = "U"
# Gun
self.key_j = "U"
self.key_k = "U"
self.key_k_onoff = "ON"
self.key_l = "U"
self.key_i = "U"
self.key_space = "U"
# Freeze it
self.key_f = "U"
# Zoom
self.key_b = "U"
self.key_n = "U"
self.key_m = "U"
self.key_h = "U"
self.key_lctrl = 'U'
self.selected_puck = None
self.cursor_color = cursor_color
self.bullet_hit_count = 0
self.bullet_hit_limit = 50.0
self.previousSendCount = 0
self.sendCount = 0
self.active = False
# Define the nature of the cursor strings, one for each mouse button.
self.mouse_strings = {'string1':{'c_drag': 2.0, 'k_Npm': 60.0},
'string2':{'c_drag': 0.2, 'k_Npm': 2.0},
'string3':{'c_drag': 20.0, 'k_Npm': 1000.0}}
def calc_string_forces_on_pucks(self):
# Calculated the string forces on the selected puck and add to the aggregate
# that is stored in the puck object.
# Only check for a selected puck if one isn't already selected. This keeps
# the puck from unselecting if cursor is dragged off the puck!
if (self.selected_puck == None):
if self.buttonIsStillDown:
self.selected_puck = air_table.checkForPuckAtThisPosition(self.cursor_location_px)
if not self.buttonIsStillDown:
# Unselect the puck and bomb out of here.
self.selected_puck.selected = False
self.selected_puck = None
return None
# Use dx difference to calculate the hooks law force being applied by the tether line.
# If you release the mouse button after a drag it will fling the puck.
# This tether force will diminish as the puck gets closer to the mouse point.
dx_2d_m = env.ConvertScreenToWorld(Vec2D(self.cursor_location_px)) - self.selected_puck.pos_2d_m
stringName = "string" + str(self.mouse_button)
self.selected_puck.cursorString_spring_force_2d_N += dx_2d_m * self.mouse_strings[stringName]['k_Npm']
self.selected_puck.cursorString_puckDrag_force_2d_N += (self.selected_puck.vel_2d_mps *
-1 * self.mouse_strings[stringName]['c_drag'])
def draw_cursor_string(self):
line_points = [env.ConvertWorldToScreen(self.selected_puck.pos_2d_m), self.cursor_location_px]
if (self.selected_puck != None):
pygame.draw.line(game_window.surface, self.cursor_color, line_points[0], line_points[1], 1)
def draw_fancy_server_cursor(self):
self.draw_server_cursor( self.cursor_color, 0)
self.draw_server_cursor( THECOLORS["black"], 1)
def draw_server_cursor(self, color, edge_px):
cursor_outline_vertices = []
cursor_outline_vertices.append( self.cursor_location_px )
cursor_outline_vertices.append( (self.cursor_location_px[0] + 10, self.cursor_location_px[1] + 10) )
cursor_outline_vertices.append( (self.cursor_location_px[0] + 0, self.cursor_location_px[1] + 15) )
pygame.draw.polygon(game_window.surface, color, cursor_outline_vertices, edge_px)
class runningAvg:
def __init__(self, n_target):
self.n_target = n_target
self.base = 5
def update(self, new_value):
if self.n_in_avg < self.n_target:
self.total += new_value
self.n_in_avg += 1
# Add the new value and subtract the oldest.
self.total += new_value - self.values[0]
# Discard the oldest value.
self.values.append( new_value)
self.rawResult = self.total / float( self.n_in_avg)
# round the raw result to the nearest 5, e.g. 235, 425...
self.result = int( self.base * round( float( self.rawResult)/self.base))
return self.result
def reset(self):
self.n_in_avg = 0
self.result = 0.0
self.values = []
self.total = 0.0
class Puck:
def __init__(self, pos_2d_m, radius_m, density_kgpm2, puck_color = THECOLORS["grey"], coef_rest=0.85, CR_fixed=False,
self.radius_m = radius_m
self.radius_px = int(round(env.px_from_m(self.radius_m * env.viewZoom)))
self.density_kgpm2 = density_kgpm2 # mass per unit area
self.mass_kg = self.density_kgpm2 * math.pi * self.radius_m ** 2
self.coef_rest = coef_rest
# This parameter inhibits the changing of the puck's CR when gravity is toggled on and off.
self.CR_fixed = CR_fixed
self.pos_2d_m = pos_2d_m
self.vel_2d_mps = vel_2d_mps
self.SprDamp_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.jet_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.cursorString_spring_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.cursorString_puckDrag_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.impulse_2d_Ns = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.selected = False
self.color = puck_color
self.client_name = None
self.jet = None
self.gun = None
self.hit = False
self.hitflash_duration_timer_s = 0.0
# Make the hit flash persist for this number of seconds:
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
self.hitflash_duration_timer_limit_s = 0.15
self.hitflash_duration_timer_limit_s = 0.05
# Bullet data...
self.bullet = False
self.birth_time_s = env.time_s
self.age_limit_s = 3.0
# If you print an object instance...
def __str__(self):
return "puck: x is %s, y is %s" % (self.pos_2d_m.x, self.pos_2d_m.y)
def draw(self, tempColor=None):
# Convert x,y to pixel screen location and then draw.
self.pos_2d_px = env.ConvertWorldToScreen( self.pos_2d_m)
#print "draw position", self.pos_px[0], self.pos_px[1]
# Update based on zoom factor
self.radius_px = int(round(env.px_from_m( self.radius_m)))
if (self.radius_px < 3):
self.radius_px = 3
# Just after a hit, fill the whole circle with RED (i.e., thickness = 0).
if self.hit:
puck_circle_thickness = 0
puck_color = THECOLORS["red"]
self.hitflash_duration_timer_s += dt_render_s
if self.hitflash_duration_timer_s > self.hitflash_duration_timer_limit_s:
self.hit = False
puck_circle_thickness = 3
if (tempColor != None):
puck_color = tempColor
puck_color = self.color
# Draw main puck body. First, check these integers. If too large they can crash the
# script as the python integers convert to c integers.
if (abs(self.pos_2d_px[0]) < 1000) and (abs(self.pos_2d_px[1]) < 1000):
pygame.draw.circle(game_window.surface, puck_color, self.pos_2d_px, self.radius_px, puck_circle_thickness)
# Draw life (poor health) indicator circle.
if (((self.client_name != None) and env.clients[self.client_name].active) or (self.client_name == 'test')) and (not self.bullet):
spent_fraction = float(env.clients[self.client_name].bullet_hit_count) / float(env.clients[self.client_name].bullet_hit_limit)
life_radius = spent_fraction * self.radius_px
if (life_radius > 2.0):
life_radius_px = int(round(life_radius))
life_radius_px = 2
pygame.draw.circle(game_window.surface, THECOLORS["red"], self.pos_2d_px, life_radius_px, 1)
class RotatingTube:
def __init__(self, puck):
# Associate the tube with the puck.
self.puck = puck
self.color = env.clients[self.puck.client_name].cursor_color
# Degrees of rotation per second.
#self.rotation_rate_dps = 360.0
# Scaling factors to manage the aspect ratio of the tube.
self.sf_x = 0.15
self.sf_y = 0.50
# Notice the counter-clockwise drawing pattern. Four vertices for a rectangle.
# Each vertex is represented by a vector.
self.tube_vertices_2d_m = [Vec2D(-0.50 * self.sf_x, 0.00 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D( 0.50 * self.sf_x, 0.00 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D( 0.50 * self.sf_x, 1.00 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D(-0.50 * self.sf_x, 1.00 * self.sf_y)]
# Define a normal (1 meter) pointing vector to keep track of the direction of the jet.
self.direction_2d_m = Vec2D(0.0, 1.0)
def rotate_vertices(self, vertices_2d_m, angle_deg):
# Put modified vectors in a new list.
rotated_vertices_2d_m = []
for vertex_2d_m in vertices_2d_m:
rotated_vertices_2d_m.append( vertex_2d_m.rotated( angle_deg))
return rotated_vertices_2d_m
def rotate_everything(self, angle_deg):
# Rotate the pointer.
self.direction_2d_m = self.direction_2d_m.rotated( angle_deg)
# Rotate the tube.
self.tube_vertices_2d_m = self.rotate_vertices( self.tube_vertices_2d_m, angle_deg)
def convert_from_world_to_screen(self, vertices_2d_m, base_point_2d_m):
vertices_2d_px = []
for vertex_2d_m in vertices_2d_m:
# Calculate absolute position of this vertex.
vertices_2d_px.append( env.ConvertWorldToScreen( vertex_2d_m + base_point_2d_m))
return vertices_2d_px
def draw_tube(self, line_thickness=3):
# Draw the tube on the game-window surface. Establish the base_point as the center of the puck.
pygame.draw.polygon(game_window.surface, self.color,
self.convert_from_world_to_screen(self.tube_vertices_2d_m, self.puck.pos_2d_m), line_thickness)
class Jet( RotatingTube):
def __init__(self, puck):
RotatingTube.__init__(self, puck)
# Degrees of rotation per second.
self.rotation_rate_dps = 360.0
self.color = THECOLORS["yellow"]
# The jet flame (triangle)
self.flame_vertices_2d_m =[Vec2D(-0.50 * self.sf_x, 1.02 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D( 0.50 * self.sf_x, 1.02 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D(-0.00 * self.sf_x, 1.80 * self.sf_y)]
# Scaler magnitude of jet force.
self.jet_force_N = 1.3 * self.puck.mass_kg * abs(air_table.gON_2d_mps2.y)
# Point everything down for starters.
self.rotate_everything( 180)
def turn_jet_forces_onoff(self, client_name):
if (env.clients[client_name].key_w == "D"):
# Force on puck is in the opposite direction of the jet tube.
self.puck.jet_force_2d_N = self.direction_2d_m * (-1) * self.jet_force_N
self.puck.jet_force_2d_N = self.direction_2d_m * 0.0
def client_rotation_control(self, client_name):
if (env.clients[client_name].key_a == "D"):
self.rotate_everything( +1 * self.rotation_rate_dps * dt_render_s)
if (env.clients[client_name].key_d == "D"):
self.rotate_everything( -1 * self.rotation_rate_dps * dt_render_s)
if (env.clients[client_name].key_s == "D"):
# Rotate jet tube to be in the same direction as the motion of the puck.
puck_velocity_angle = self.puck.vel_2d_mps.get_angle()
current_jet_angle = self.direction_2d_m.get_angle()
self.rotate_everything(puck_velocity_angle - current_jet_angle)
# Reset this so it doesn't keep flipping. Just want it to flip the
# direction once but not keep flipping.
# This first line is enough to keep the local client from flipping again because
# the local keyboard doesn't keep sending the "D" event if the key is held down.
env.clients[client_name].key_s = "U"
# This second one is also needed for the network clients because they keep
# sending the "D" until they release the key.
env.clients[client_name].key_s_onoff = "OFF"
def rotate_everything(self, angle_deg):
# Rotate the pointer.
self.direction_2d_m = self.direction_2d_m.rotated( angle_deg)
# Rotate the tube.
self.tube_vertices_2d_m = self.rotate_vertices( self.tube_vertices_2d_m, angle_deg)
# Rotate the flame.
self.flame_vertices_2d_m = self.rotate_vertices( self.flame_vertices_2d_m, angle_deg)
def draw(self):
# Draw the jet tube.
# Draw the red flame.
if (env.clients[self.puck.client_name].key_w == "D"):
pygame.draw.polygon(game_window.surface, THECOLORS["red"],
self.convert_from_world_to_screen(self.flame_vertices_2d_m, self.puck.pos_2d_m), 0)
class Gun( RotatingTube):
def __init__(self, puck):
RotatingTube.__init__(self, puck)
# Degrees of rotation per second.
self.rotation_rate_dps = 180.0
self.color = env.clients[self.puck.client_name].cursor_color
# Run this method of the RotationTube class to set the initial angle of each new gun.
self.rotate_everything( 45)
self.bullet_speed_mps = 5.0
self.fire_time_s = env.time_s
self.firing_delay_s = 0.1
self.bullet_count = 0
self.bullet_count_limit = 10
self.gun_recharge_wait_s = 2.5
self.gun_recharge_start_time_s = env.time_s
self.gun_recharging = False
self.testing_gun = False
self.shield = False
self.shield_hit = False
self.shield_hit_duration_s = 0.0
# Make the hit remove the shield for this number of seconds:
self.shield_hit_duration_limit_s = 0.05
self.shield_hit_count = 0
self.shield_hit_count_limit = 20
self.shield_recharging = False
self.shield_recharge_wait_s = 4.0
self.shield_recharge_start_time_s = env.time_s
def client_rotation_control(self, client_name):
if (env.clients[client_name].key_j == "D"):
self.rotate_everything( +self.rotation_rate_dps * dt_render_s)
if (env.clients[client_name].key_l == "D"):
self.rotate_everything( -self.rotation_rate_dps * dt_render_s)
if (env.clients[client_name].key_k == "D"):
# Rotate jet tube to be in the same direction as the motion of the puck.
puck_velocity_angle = self.puck.vel_2d_mps.get_angle()
current_gun_angle = self.direction_2d_m.get_angle()
self.rotate_everything(puck_velocity_angle - current_gun_angle)
# Reset this so it doesn't keep flipping. Just want it to flip the
# direction once but not keep flipping.
# This first line is enough to keep the local client from flipping again because
# the local keyboard doesn't keep sending the "D" event if the key is held down.
env.clients[client_name].key_k = "U"
# This second one is also needed for the network clients because they keep
# sending the "D" until they release the key.
env.clients[client_name].key_k_onoff = "OFF"
def control_firing(self, client_name):
# Fire only if the shield is off.
if ((env.clients[client_name].key_i == "D") and (not self.shield)) or self.testing_gun:
# Fire the gun.
if ((env.time_s - self.fire_time_s) > self.firing_delay_s) and (not self.gun_recharging):
self.bullet_count += 1
# Timestamp the firing event.
self.fire_time_s = env.time_s
# Check to see if gun bullet count indicates the need to start recharging.
if (self.bullet_count > self.bullet_count_limit):
self.gun_recharge_start_time_s = env.time_s
self.gun_recharging = True
self.bullet_count = 0
# If recharged.
if (self.gun_recharging and (env.time_s - self.gun_recharge_start_time_s) > self.gun_recharge_wait_s):
self.gun_recharging = False
def fire_gun(self):
bullet_radius_m = 0.05
# Set the initial position of the bullet so that it clears (doesn't collide with) the host puck.
initial_position_2d_m = (self.puck.pos_2d_m +
(self.direction_2d_m * (1.1 * self.puck.radius_m + 1.1 * bullet_radius_m)) )
temp_bullet = Puck(initial_position_2d_m, bullet_radius_m, 0.3)
# Relative velocity of the bullet: the bullet velocity as seen from the host puck. This is the
# speed of the bullet relative to the motion of the host puck (host velocity BEFORE the firing of
# the bullet).
bullet_relative_vel_2d_mps = self.direction_2d_m * self.bullet_speed_mps
# Absolute velocity of the bullet.
temp_bullet.vel_2d_mps = self.puck.vel_2d_mps + bullet_relative_vel_2d_mps
temp_bullet.bullet = True
temp_bullet.color = env.clients[self.puck.client_name].cursor_color
temp_bullet.client_name = self.puck.client_name
air_table.pucks.append( temp_bullet)
# Calculate the recoil impulse from firing the gun (opposite the direction of the bullet).
self.puck.impulse_2d_Ns = bullet_relative_vel_2d_mps * temp_bullet.mass_kg * (-1)
def control_shield(self, client_name):
if (env.clients[client_name].key_space == "D") and (not self.shield_recharging):
self.shield = True
self.shield = False
# Check to see if the shield hit count indicates the need to start recharging.
if (self.shield_hit_count > self.shield_hit_count_limit):
self.shield_recharge_start_time_s = env.time_s
self.shield = False
self.shield_recharging = True
self.shield_hit_count = 0
# If recharged.
if (self.shield_recharging and (env.time_s - self.shield_recharge_start_time_s) > self.shield_recharge_wait_s):
self.shield_recharging = False
def draw(self):
# Draw the gun tube.
if (self.gun_recharging):
line_thickness = 3
line_thickness = 0
# Draw the jet tube.
self.draw_tube( line_thickness)
# Draw the shield.
if (self.shield):
if self.shield_hit:
# Don't draw the shield for a moment after the hit. This visualizes the shield hit.
self.shield_hit_duration_s += dt_render_s
if (self.shield_hit_duration_s > self.shield_hit_duration_limit_s):
self.shield_hit = False
pygame.draw.circle(game_window.surface, self.color, self.puck.pos_2d_px, self.puck.radius_px + 6, 4)
class Spring:
def __init__(self, p1, p2, length_m=3.0, strength_Npm=0.5, spring_color=THECOLORS["yellow"], width_m=0.025, drag_c=0.0):
# Optionally this spring can have one end pinned to a vector point. Do this by passing in p2 as a vector.
if (p2.__class__.__name__ == 'Vec2D'):
# Create a point puck at the pinning location.
# The location of this point puck will never change because
# it is not in the pucks list that is processed by the
# physics engine.
p2 = Puck( p2, 1.0, 1.0)
p2.vel_2d_mps = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
length_m = 0.0
self.p1 = p1
self.p2 = p2
self.p1p2_separation_2d_m = Vec2D(0,0)
self.p1p2_separation_m = 0
self.p1p2_normalized_2d = Vec2D(0,0)
self.length_m = length_m
self.strength_Npm = strength_Npm
self.damper_Ns2pm2 = 0.5 #5.0 #0.05 #0.15
self.unstretched_width_m = width_m #0.05
self.drag_c = drag_c
self.spring_vertices_2d_m = []
self.spring_vertices_2d_px = []
self.spring_color = spring_color
self.draw_as_line = False
def calc_spring_forces_on_pucks(self):
self.p1p2_separation_2d_m = self.p1.pos_2d_m - self.p2.pos_2d_m
self.p1p2_separation_m = self.p1p2_separation_2d_m.length()
# The pinned case needs to be able to handle the zero length spring. The
# separation distance will be zero when the pinned spring is at rest.
# This will cause a divide by zero error if not handled here.
if ((self.p1p2_separation_m == 0.0) and (self.length_m == 0.0)):
spring_force_on_1_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.p1p2_normalized_2d = self.p1p2_separation_2d_m / self.p1p2_separation_m
# Spring force: acts along the separation vector and is proportional to the separation distance.
spring_force_on_1_2d_N = self.p1p2_normalized_2d * (self.length_m - self.p1p2_separation_m) * self.strength_Npm
# Damper force: acts along the separation vector and is proportional to the relative speed.
v_relative_2d_mps = self.p1.vel_2d_mps - self.p2.vel_2d_mps
v_relative_alongNormal_2d_mps = v_relative_2d_mps.projection_onto(self.p1p2_separation_2d_m)
damper_force_on_1_N = v_relative_alongNormal_2d_mps * self.damper_Ns2pm2
# Net force by both spring and damper
SprDamp_force_2d_N = spring_force_on_1_2d_N - damper_force_on_1_N
# This force acts in opposite directions for each of the two pucks. Notice the "+=" here, this
# is an aggregate across all the springs. This aggregate MUST be reset (zeroed) after the movements are
# calculated. So by the time you've looped through all the springs, you get the NET force, one each ball,
# applied of all individual springs.
self.p1.SprDamp_force_2d_N += SprDamp_force_2d_N * (+1)
self.p2.SprDamp_force_2d_N += SprDamp_force_2d_N * (-1)
# Add in some drag forces if a non-zero drag coef is specified. These are based on the
# velocity of the pucks (not relative speed as is the case above for damper forces).
self.p1.SprDamp_force_2d_N += self.p1.vel_2d_mps * (-1) * self.drag_c
self.p2.SprDamp_force_2d_N += self.p2.vel_2d_mps * (-1) * self.drag_c
def width_to_draw_m(self):
width_m = self.unstretched_width_m * (1 + 0.30 * (self.length_m - self.p1p2_separation_m))
if width_m < (0.05 * self.unstretched_width_m):
self.draw_as_line = True
width_m = 0.0
self.draw_as_line = False
return width_m
def draw(self):
# Change the width to indicate the stretch or compression in the spring. Note, it's good to
# do this outside of the main calc loop (using the rendering timer). No need to do all this each
# time step.
width_m = self.width_to_draw_m()
# Calculate the four corners of the spring rectangle.
p1p2_perpendicular_2d = self.p1p2_normalized_2d.rotate90()
self.spring_vertices_2d_m = []
self.spring_vertices_2d_m.append(self.p1.pos_2d_m + (p1p2_perpendicular_2d * width_m))
self.spring_vertices_2d_m.append(self.p1.pos_2d_m - (p1p2_perpendicular_2d * width_m))
self.spring_vertices_2d_m.append(self.p2.pos_2d_m - (p1p2_perpendicular_2d * width_m))
self.spring_vertices_2d_m.append(self.p2.pos_2d_m + (p1p2_perpendicular_2d * width_m))
# Transform from world to screen.
self.spring_vertices_2d_px = []
for vertice_2d_m in self.spring_vertices_2d_m:
self.spring_vertices_2d_px.append( env.ConvertWorldToScreen( vertice_2d_m))
# Draw the spring
if self.draw_as_line == True:
pygame.draw.aaline(game_window.surface, self.spring_color, env.ConvertWorldToScreen(self.p1.pos_2d_m),
pygame.draw.polygon(game_window.surface, self.spring_color, self.spring_vertices_2d_px)
class AirTable:
def __init__(self, walls_dic):
self.gON_2d_mps2 = Vec2D(-0.0, -9.0)
self.gOFF_2d_mps2 = Vec2D(-0.0, -0.0)
self.g_2d_mps2 = self.gOFF_2d_mps2
self.g_ON = False
self.pucks = []
self.controlled_pucks = []
self.springs = []
self.walls = walls_dic
self.collision_count = 0
self.count_direction = 1
# Used for wall collisions.
self.coef_rest = 1.0
self.color_transfer = False
self.stop_physics = False
self.tangled = False
self.perfect_kiss = False
self.FPS_display = True
def draw(self):
#{"L_m":0.0, "R_m":10.0, "B_m":0.0, "T_m":10.0}
topLeft_2d_px = env.ConvertWorldToScreen( Vec2D( self.walls['L_m'], self.walls['T_m']))
topRight_2d_px = env.ConvertWorldToScreen( Vec2D( self.walls['R_m']-0.01, self.walls['T_m']))
botLeft_2d_px = env.ConvertWorldToScreen( Vec2D( self.walls['L_m'], self.walls['B_m']+0.01))
botRight_2d_px = env.ConvertWorldToScreen( Vec2D( self.walls['R_m']-0.01, self.walls['B_m']+0.01))
pygame.draw.line(game_window.surface, THECOLORS["orangered1"], topLeft_2d_px, topRight_2d_px, 1)
pygame.draw.line(game_window.surface, THECOLORS["orangered1"], topRight_2d_px, botRight_2d_px, 1)
pygame.draw.line(game_window.surface, THECOLORS["orangered1"], botRight_2d_px, botLeft_2d_px, 1)
pygame.draw.line(game_window.surface, THECOLORS["orangered1"], botLeft_2d_px, topLeft_2d_px, 1)
def checkForPuckAtThisPosition(self, x_px_or_tuple, y_px = None):
if y_px == None:
self.x_px = x_px_or_tuple[0]
self.y_px = x_px_or_tuple[1]
self.x_px = x_px_or_tuple
self.y_px = y_px
test_position_m = env.ConvertScreenToWorld(Vec2D(self.x_px, self.y_px))
for puck in self.pucks:
vector_difference_m = test_position_m - puck.pos_2d_m
# Use squared lengths for speed (avoid square root)
mag_of_difference_m2 = vector_difference_m.length_squared()
if mag_of_difference_m2 < puck.radius_m**2:
puck.selected = True
return puck
return None
def update_PuckSpeedAndPosition(self, puck, dt_s):
# Net resulting force on the puck.
puck_forces_2d_N = (self.g_2d_mps2 * puck.mass_kg) + (puck.SprDamp_force_2d_N +
puck.jet_force_2d_N +
puck.cursorString_spring_force_2d_N +
puck.cursorString_puckDrag_force_2d_N +
# Acceleration from Newton's law.
acc_2d_mps2 = puck_forces_2d_N / puck.mass_kg
# Acceleration changes the velocity: dv = a * dt
# Velocity at the end of the timestep.
puck.vel_2d_mps = puck.vel_2d_mps + (acc_2d_mps2 * dt_s)
# Calculate the new physical puck position using the average velocity.
# Velocity changes the position: dx = v * dt
puck.pos_2d_m = puck.pos_2d_m + (puck.vel_2d_mps * dt_s)
# Now reset the aggregate forces.
puck.SprDamp_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
puck.cursorString_spring_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
puck.cursorString_puckDrag_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
puck.impulse_2d_Ns = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
def time_past_kiss(self, dt_s, puckA, puckB):
# Determine the time between the kiss point and collision detection event (penetration time).
initial_collision_angle = (puckA.pos_2d_m - puckB.pos_2d_m).get_angle_between(Vec2D(1.0,0.0))
# As seen from B.
puckA_relvel_2d_mps = puckA.vel_2d_mps - puckB.vel_2d_mps
# Previous position vectors (position 1) of the two pucks
puckA_1_pos_2d_m = puckA.pos_2d_m - puckA.vel_2d_mps * dt_s
puckB_1_pos_2d_m = puckB.pos_2d_m - puckB.vel_2d_mps * dt_s
# Position vector 2-prime of PuckA
puckA_2p_pos_2d_m = puckA_1_pos_2d_m + puckA_relvel_2d_mps * dt_s
# A check to see if the collision angle is the same in the new frame of reference (as seen from B).
#final_collision_angle = (puckA_2p_pos_2d_m - puckB_1_pos_2d_m).get_angle_between(Vec2D(1.0,0.0))
#print "collision_angle", initial_collision_angle, final_collision_angle
#print "check =", (puckA_2p_pos_2d_m - puckB_1_pos_2d_m).length()/(puckA.radius_m + puckB.radius_m)
# Prime path vectors
prime_path_puckA_2d_m = puckA_2p_pos_2d_m - puckA_1_pos_2d_m
prime_normalized_2d_m = prime_path_puckA_2d_m.normal()
# Vector between the original positions of the two pucks.
A1_B1_path_2d_m = puckB_1_pos_2d_m - puckA_1_pos_2d_m
# Projection of A1_B1_path_2d_m onto the prime vector.
A1_B1_projection_2d_m = A1_B1_path_2d_m.projection_onto( prime_path_puckA_2d_m)
# B1 to prime path vector (vector to nearest point on prime path). The difference
# between the B_1 vector and its projection onto the prime vector.
B1_to_prime_2d_m = A1_B1_path_2d_m - A1_B1_projection_2d_m
# Distance x (scaler). Distance between near point on prime and the A2K (kiss location of A2).
x_m = ((puckA.radius_m + puckB.radius_m)**2 - B1_to_prime_2d_m.length_squared())**0.5
x_2d_m = prime_normalized_2d_m * x_m
# Kiss point vector
puckA_2_kiss_2d_m = puckA_1_pos_2d_m + A1_B1_projection_2d_m - x_2d_m
#print "A1_B1_projection_2d_m, x_2d_m =", A1_B1_projection_2d_m, x_2d_m
# Vector between detection and kiss.
d_2d_m = puckA_2p_pos_2d_m - puckA_2_kiss_2d_m
#print "puckA_2p_pos_2d_m, puckA_2_kiss_2d_m =", puckA_2p_pos_2d_m, puckA_2_kiss_2d_m
# Time between detection and kiss. Avoid zero in the denominator.
if puckA_relvel_2d_mps.x > 0:
time_between_kiss_and_detection_s = d_2d_m.x / puckA_relvel_2d_mps.x
#print "d_2d_m.x, puckA_relvel_2d_mps.x =", d_2d_m.x, puckA_relvel_2d_mps.x
time_between_kiss_and_detection_s = d_2d_m.y / puckA_relvel_2d_mps.y
#print "d_2d_m.y, puckA_relvel_2d_mps.y =", d_2d_m.y, puckA_relvel_2d_mps.y
return time_between_kiss_and_detection_s
def check_for_collisions(self, dt_s):
self.tangled = False
# Wall collisions
for i, puck in enumerate(self.pucks):
if not env.inhibit_wall_collisions:
if (((puck.pos_2d_m.y - puck.radius_m) < self.walls["B_m"]) or ((puck.pos_2d_m.y + puck.radius_m) > self.walls["T_m"])):
if env.correct_for_wall_penetration:
if (puck.pos_2d_m.y - puck.radius_m) < self.walls["B_m"]:
penetration_y_m = self.walls["B_m"] - (puck.pos_2d_m.y - puck.radius_m)
puck.pos_2d_m.y += 2 * penetration_y_m
if (puck.pos_2d_m.y + puck.radius_m) > self.walls["T_m"]:
penetration_y_m = (puck.pos_2d_m.y + puck.radius_m) - self.walls["T_m"]
puck.pos_2d_m.y -= 2 * penetration_y_m
puck.vel_2d_mps.y *= -1 * min(self.coef_rest, puck.coef_rest)
self.collision_count += 1 * self.count_direction
if (((puck.pos_2d_m.x - puck.radius_m) < self.walls["L_m"]) or ((puck.pos_2d_m.x + puck.radius_m) > self.walls["R_m"])):
if env.correct_for_wall_penetration:
if (puck.pos_2d_m.x - puck.radius_m) < self.walls["L_m"]:
penetration_x_m = self.walls["L_m"] - (puck.pos_2d_m.x - puck.radius_m)
puck.pos_2d_m.x += 2 * penetration_x_m
if (puck.pos_2d_m.x + puck.radius_m) > self.walls["R_m"]:
penetration_x_m = (puck.pos_2d_m.x + puck.radius_m) - self.walls["R_m"]
puck.pos_2d_m.x -= 2 * penetration_x_m
puck.vel_2d_mps.x *= -1 * min(self.coef_rest, puck.coef_rest)
self.collision_count += 1 * self.count_direction
# Collisions with other pucks.
for otherpuck in self.pucks[i+1:]:
# Check if the two puck circles are overlapping.
# Parallel to the normal
puck_to_puck_2d_m = otherpuck.pos_2d_m - puck.pos_2d_m
# Parallel to the tangent
tangent_p_to_p_2d_m = Vec2D.rotate90(puck_to_puck_2d_m)
# Separation between the pucks, squared (not a vector).
p_to_p_m2 = puck_to_puck_2d_m.length_squared()
# The sum of the radii of the two pucks, squared.
r_plus_r_m2 = (puck.radius_m + otherpuck.radius_m)**2
# A check for the Jello-madness game. If it's tangled, balls
# will be close and this will be set to True.
if (p_to_p_m2 < 1.1 * r_plus_r_m2):
self.tangled = True
# Keep this collision check fast by avoiding square roots.
if (p_to_p_m2 < r_plus_r_m2):
self.collision_count += 1 * self.count_direction
#print "collision_count", self.collision_count
# If it's a bullet coming from another client, add to the
# hit count for non-bullet client.
if (puck.client_name != None) and (otherpuck.client_name != None):
if (puck.client_name != otherpuck.client_name):
if (otherpuck.bullet and (not puck.bullet)):
if not puck.gun.shield:
env.clients[puck.client_name].bullet_hit_count += 1
puck.hit = True
puck.hitflash_duration_timer_s = 0.0
puck.gun.shield_hit = True
puck.gun.shield_hit_duration_s = 0.0
puck.gun.shield_hit_count += 1
if self.color_transfer == True:
#(puck.color, otherpuck.color) = (otherpuck.color, puck.color)
# Use the p_to_p vector (between the two colliding pucks) as projection target for
# normal calculation.
# Draw the overlapping pucks.
puck.draw(THECOLORS["red"]); otherpuck.draw(THECOLORS["red"])
# The calculate velocity components along and perpendicular to the normal.
puck_normal_2d_mps = puck.vel_2d_mps.projection_onto(puck_to_puck_2d_m)
puck_tangent_2d_mps = puck.vel_2d_mps.projection_onto(tangent_p_to_p_2d_m)
otherpuck_normal_2d_mps = otherpuck.vel_2d_mps.projection_onto(puck_to_puck_2d_m)
otherpuck_tangent_2d_mps = otherpuck.vel_2d_mps.projection_onto(tangent_p_to_p_2d_m)
relative_normal_vel_2d_mps = otherpuck_normal_2d_mps - puck_normal_2d_mps
if env.correct_for_puck_penetration:
# Back out a total of 2x of the penetration along the normal. Back-out amounts for each puck is
# based on the velocity of each puck times 2DT where DT is the time of penetration. DT is calculated
# from the relative speed and the penetration distance.
relative_normal_spd_mps = relative_normal_vel_2d_mps.length()
penetration_m = (puck.radius_m + otherpuck.radius_m) - p_to_p_m2**0.5
if (relative_normal_spd_mps > 0.00000):
if air_table.perfect_kiss:
# Use a special perfect-kiss method to determine the time.
penetration_time_s = self.time_past_kiss( dt_s, puck, otherpuck)
penetration_time_s = penetration_m / relative_normal_spd_mps
#print penetration_time_s, self.time_past_kiss( dt_s, puck, otherpuck)
penetration_time_scaler_1 = 1.00 # This can be useful for testing to amplify and see the correction.
penetration_time_scaler_2 = 1.00
# First, reverse the two pucks, to their collision point, along their incoming trajectory paths.
if air_table.perfect_kiss:
puck.pos_2d_m = puck.pos_2d_m - (puck.vel_2d_mps * (penetration_time_scaler_1 * penetration_time_s))
otherpuck.pos_2d_m = otherpuck.pos_2d_m - (otherpuck.vel_2d_mps * (penetration_time_scaler_1 * penetration_time_s))
# Draw the perfect-kissing pucks (you'll only be able to see this in the example run that is started by pressing
# the 3 key on the number pad. This is one of the pool-shot examples that inhibits screen clears.
puck.draw(THECOLORS["cyan"]); otherpuck.draw(THECOLORS["cyan"])
puck.pos_2d_m = puck.pos_2d_m - (puck_normal_2d_mps * (penetration_time_scaler_1 * penetration_time_s))
otherpuck.pos_2d_m = otherpuck.pos_2d_m - (otherpuck_normal_2d_mps * (penetration_time_scaler_1 * penetration_time_s))
# # Test to see how close we got to the just-touching point. Ratio should be close to 1.0000
# test_center_to_center_separation = (puck.pos_2d_m - otherpuck.pos_2d_m).length() / (puck.radius_m + otherpuck.radius_m)
# print "ratio of c_to_c at kiss point =", '%.30f' % test_center_to_center_separation
if air_table.perfect_kiss:
# Recalculate the tangent and normals based on the pucks in the just-touching position.
puck_to_puck_2d_m = otherpuck.pos_2d_m - puck.pos_2d_m
tangent_p_to_p_2d_m = Vec2D.rotate90(puck_to_puck_2d_m)
# The calculate velocity components along and perpendicular to the normal.
puck_normal_2d_mps = puck.vel_2d_mps.projection_onto(puck_to_puck_2d_m)
puck_tangent_2d_mps = puck.vel_2d_mps.projection_onto(tangent_p_to_p_2d_m)
otherpuck_normal_2d_mps = otherpuck.vel_2d_mps.projection_onto(puck_to_puck_2d_m)
otherpuck_tangent_2d_mps = otherpuck.vel_2d_mps.projection_onto(tangent_p_to_p_2d_m)
# Calculate the velocities along the normal AFTER the collision. Use a CR (coefficient of restitution)
# of 1 here to better avoid stickiness.
CR_puck = 1
puck_normal_AFTER_mps, otherpuck_normal_AFTER_mps = self.AandB_normal_AFTER_2d_mps( puck_normal_2d_mps, puck.mass_kg, otherpuck_normal_2d_mps, otherpuck.mass_kg, CR_puck)
# Temp values for puck and otherpuck velocities after the collision.
puck_vel_2d_mps = puck_normal_AFTER_mps + puck_tangent_2d_mps
otherpuck_vel_2d_mps = otherpuck_normal_AFTER_mps + otherpuck_tangent_2d_mps
# Finally, travel another penetration time worth of distance using these AFTER-collision velocities.
# This will put the pucks where they should have been at the time of collision detection.
if air_table.perfect_kiss:
puck.pos_2d_m = puck.pos_2d_m + (puck_vel_2d_mps * (penetration_time_scaler_2 * penetration_time_s))
otherpuck.pos_2d_m = otherpuck.pos_2d_m + (otherpuck_vel_2d_mps * (penetration_time_scaler_2 * penetration_time_s))
puck.pos_2d_m = puck.pos_2d_m + (puck_normal_AFTER_mps * (penetration_time_scaler_2 * penetration_time_s))
otherpuck.pos_2d_m = otherpuck.pos_2d_m + (otherpuck_normal_AFTER_mps * (penetration_time_scaler_2 * penetration_time_s))
# # Just to check, compare the corrected separation with the detected
# # overlap. This should be very close to 1.00000... for non-perfect_kiss correction approach.
# corrected_sep_m = (puck.pos_2d_m - otherpuck.pos_2d_m).length() - (puck.radius_m + otherpuck.radius_m)
# print "ratio of corrected_sep/penetration =", '%.30f' % (corrected_sep_m/penetration_m)
#print "small relative speed"
#self.g_2d_mps2 = self.gOFF_2d_mps2
# for puck in self.pucks:
# puck.vel_2d_mps = Vec2D(0,0)
# Assign the AFTER velocities (using the actual CR here) to the puck for use in the next frame calculation.
CR_puck = min(puck.coef_rest, otherpuck.coef_rest)
puck_normal_AFTER_mps, otherpuck_normal_AFTER_mps = self.AandB_normal_AFTER_2d_mps( puck_normal_2d_mps, puck.mass_kg, otherpuck_normal_2d_mps, otherpuck.mass_kg, CR_puck)
# Now that we're done using the current values, set them to the newly calculated AFTERs.
puck_normal_2d_mps, otherpuck_normal_2d_mps = puck_normal_AFTER_mps, otherpuck_normal_AFTER_mps
# Add the components back together to get total velocity vectors for each puck.
puck.vel_2d_mps = puck_normal_2d_mps + puck_tangent_2d_mps
otherpuck.vel_2d_mps = otherpuck_normal_2d_mps + otherpuck_tangent_2d_mps
def normal_AFTER_2d_mps(self, A_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps, A_mass_kg, B_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps, B_mass_kg, CR_puck):
# For inputs as defined here, this returns the AFTER normal for the first puck in the inputs. So if B
# is first, it returns the result for the B puck.
relative_normal_vel_2d_mps = B_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps - A_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps
return ( ( (relative_normal_vel_2d_mps * (CR_puck * B_mass_kg)) +
(A_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps * A_mass_kg + B_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps * B_mass_kg) ) /
(A_mass_kg + B_mass_kg) )
def AandB_normal_AFTER_2d_mps(self, A_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps, A_mass_kg, B_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps, B_mass_kg, CR_puck):
A = self.normal_AFTER_2d_mps(A_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps, A_mass_kg, B_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps, B_mass_kg, CR_puck)
# Make use of the symmetry in the physics to calculate the B-puck normal (put the B-puck data in the first inputs).
B = self.normal_AFTER_2d_mps(B_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps, B_mass_kg, A_normal_BEFORE_2d_mps, A_mass_kg, CR_puck)
return A, B
class Environment:
def __init__(self, screenSize_px, length_x_m):
self.screenSize_px = Vec2D(screenSize_px)
self.viewOffset_2d_px = Vec2D(0,0)
self.viewCenter_px = Vec2D(0,0)
self.viewZoom = 1
self.viewZoom_rate = 0.01
self.px_to_m = length_x_m/float(self.screenSize_px.x)
self.m_to_px = (float(self.screenSize_px.x)/length_x_m)
self.client_colors = {'C1': THECOLORS["orangered1"],'C2': THECOLORS["tan"],'C3': THECOLORS["cyan"],'C4': THECOLORS["blue"],
'C5': THECOLORS["pink"], 'C6': THECOLORS["red"],'C7': THECOLORS["coral"],'C8': THECOLORS["green"],
'C9': THECOLORS["grey80"],'C10': THECOLORS["rosybrown3"],'test': THECOLORS["purple"]}
# Add a local (non-network) client to the client dictionary.
self.clients = {'local':Client(THECOLORS["green"])}
self.clients['local'].active = True
# General clock time for determining bullet age.
self.time_s = 0
# Timer for the Jello Madness game.
self.game_time_s = 0
self.general_timer_s = 0
self.generalTimer = False
self.FR_avg = runningAvg(300)
self.loopsSinceLastQuietCheck = 0
self.inhibit_screen_clears = False
self.inhibit_wall_collisions = False
self.correct_for_wall_penetration = True
self.correct_for_puck_penetration = True
self.always_render = False
self.constant_dt_s = None
self.timeDirection = 1;
def checkForQuietClients(self):
self.loopsSinceLastQuietCheck += 1
if self.loopsSinceLastQuietCheck > 20:
self.loopsSinceLastQuietCheck = 0
for clientname in self.clients:
if clientname != 'local':
# Check for the no change case (client is quiet).
countChange = self.clients[clientname].sendCount - self.clients[clientname].previousSendCount
if countChange == 0:
self.clients[clientname].active = False
self.clients[clientname].active = True
# Update the previous value for use in the next comparison.
self.clients[clientname].previousSendCount = self.clients[clientname].sendCount
def remove_healthless_clients(self):
# Make a list of terminal clients.
#print len(air_table.pucks), len(air_table.controlled_pucks)
spent_client_names = []
for thisclient_name in self.clients:
if self.clients[thisclient_name].bullet_hit_count > self.clients[thisclient_name].bullet_hit_limit:
spent_client_names.append( thisclient_name)
# Send the bad news if one of the network clients has died.
if (thisclient_name not in ['local','test']):
self.clients[thisclient_name].channel.Send({"action": "badhealth", "message":"not good"})
print "\"" + thisclient_name + "\"" + " has been popped. "
# Reset the counter for the local client. That will keep this block from running repeatedly
# when the local puck gets popped. Have to do this because the local client does not get
# deleted below. That's so it can continue to receive keyboard and mouse input and reset the game
# if needed. The local client always lives on even if its puck gets popped.
if thisclient_name == 'local':
self.clients[thisclient_name].bullet_hit_count = 0
pucks_list_copy = air_table.pucks[:]
for puck in pucks_list_copy:
if puck.client_name in spent_client_names:
# Had to put this check in to prevent server crash on simultaneous death bullets between two clients.
# Don't yet understand why this is necessary.
if (puck in air_table.controlled_pucks):
air_table.controlled_pucks.remove( puck)
#print "\"" + puck.client_name + "\"" + " has been removed from the controlled puck list."
air_table.pucks.remove( puck)
for spent_client in spent_client_names:
# Remove client from client dictionary
if (spent_client != 'local'):
del self.clients[ spent_client]
del pucks_list_copy
# Convert from meters to pixels
def px_from_m(self, dx_m):
return dx_m * self.m_to_px * self.viewZoom
# Convert from pixels to meters
# Note: still floating values here)
def m_from_px(self, dx_px):
return float(dx_px) * self.px_to_m / self.viewZoom
def control_zoom_and_view(self):
if self.clients['local'].key_h == "D":
self.viewZoom += self.viewZoom_rate * self.viewZoom
if self.clients['local'].key_n == "D":
self.viewZoom -= self.viewZoom_rate * self.viewZoom
def ConvertScreenToWorld(self, point_2d_px):
#self.viewOffset_2d_px = self.viewCenter_px
x_m = ( point_2d_px.x + self.viewOffset_2d_px.x) / (self.m_to_px * self.viewZoom)
y_m = (self.screenSize_px.y - point_2d_px.y + self.viewOffset_2d_px.y) / (self.m_to_px * self.viewZoom)
return Vec2D( x_m, y_m)
def ConvertWorldToScreen(self, point_2d_m):
Convert from world to screen coordinates (pixels).
In the class instance, we store a zoom factor, an offset indicating where
the view extents start at, and the screen size (in pixels).
# self.viewOffset = self.viewCenter - self.screenSize_px/2
#self.viewOffset = self.viewCenter_px
x_px = (point_2d_m.x * self.m_to_px * self.viewZoom) - self.viewOffset_2d_px.x
y_px = (point_2d_m.y * self.m_to_px * self.viewZoom) - self.viewOffset_2d_px.y
y_px = self.screenSize_px.y - y_px
# Return a tuple of integers.
return Vec2D(x_px, y_px, "int").tuple()
def set_allPucks_elastic(self):
print "CRs for all pucks have been set for elastic collisions (CR=1)"
for eachpuck in air_table.pucks:
eachpuck.coef_rest = 1.0
# The next two functions give an alternate approach to using a modification key. This could also
# be done by setting up a user key state for shift and controls keys, and use that to see if
# the modifier key has been pressed.
def ctrl_key_down(self):
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if (keys[pygame.K_LCTRL] or keys[pygame.K_RCTRL]):
return True
def shift_key_down(self):
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if (keys[pygame.K_LSHIFT] or keys[pygame.K_RSHIFT]):
return True
def get_local_user_input(self):
local_user = self.clients['local']
# Get all the events since the last call to get(). In other-words, holding a key down
# will not repeatedly yield a KEYDOWN event.
for event in pygame.event.get():
if (event.type == pygame.QUIT):
elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN):
if (event.key == K_ESCAPE):
elif (event.key==K_KP1):
return "1p"
elif (event.key==K_KP2):
return "2p"
elif (event.key==K_KP3):
return "3p"
elif (event.key==K_1):
if self.shift_key_down():
return "1p"
return 1
elif (event.key==K_2):
if self.shift_key_down():
return "2p"
return 2
elif (event.key==K_3):
if self.shift_key_down():
return "3p"
return 3
elif (event.key==K_4):
return 4
elif (event.key==K_5):
return 5
elif (event.key==K_6):
return 6
elif (event.key==K_7):
return 7
elif (event.key==K_8):
return 8
elif (event.key==K_9):
return 9
elif (event.key==K_0):
return 0
elif (event.key==K_c):
# Toggle color option.
air_table.color_transfer = not air_table.color_transfer
elif ((event.key==K_e) and (not self.shift_key_down())):
elif (event.key==K_f):
# Stop all the pucks...
for puck in air_table.pucks:
puck.vel_2d_mps = Vec2D(0,0)
print "all puck speeds set to zero"
elif (event.key==K_r):
air_table.count_direction *= -1
print ""
if self.shift_key_down():
env.timeDirection *= -1
print "time direction has been reversed"
# Reverse the velocity of all the pucks...
for puck in air_table.pucks:
puck.vel_2d_mps = puck.vel_2d_mps * (-1)
print "puck velocities have been reversed"
print "timeDirection =", env.timeDirection, "count direction =", air_table.count_direction
elif (event.key==K_g):
# Toggle the logical flag for g.
air_table.g_ON = not air_table.g_ON
print "g", air_table.g_ON
if air_table.g_ON:
air_table.g_2d_mps2 = air_table.gON_2d_mps2
print "setting puck CRs = 0.85, if not fixed"
for eachpuck in air_table.pucks:
if not eachpuck.CR_fixed:
eachpuck.coef_rest = 0.85
air_table.g_2d_mps2 = air_table.gOFF_2d_mps2
print "setting puck CRs = 1.00, if not fixed"
for eachpuck in air_table.pucks:
if not eachpuck.CR_fixed:
eachpuck.coef_rest = 1.00
elif (event.key==K_F1):
# Toggle FPS display on/off
air_table.FPS_display = not air_table.FPS_display
elif (event.key==K_z):
print ""
air_table.perfect_kiss = not air_table.perfect_kiss
if (air_table.perfect_kiss):
print "perfect kiss =", air_table.perfect_kiss
# Jet keys
elif (event.key==K_a):
local_user.key_a = 'D'
elif (event.key==K_s):
local_user.key_s = 'D'
elif (event.key==K_d):
local_user.key_d = 'D'
elif (event.key==K_w):
local_user.key_w = 'D'
# Gun keys
elif (event.key==K_j):
local_user.key_j = 'D'
elif (event.key==K_k):
local_user.key_k = 'D'
elif (event.key==K_l):
local_user.key_l = 'D'
elif (event.key==K_i):
local_user.key_i = 'D'
elif (event.key==K_SPACE):
local_user.key_space = 'D'
# Zoom keys
elif (event.key==K_b):
local_user.key_b = 'D'
elif (event.key==K_n):
local_user.key_n = 'D'
elif (event.key==K_m):
local_user.key_m = 'D'
elif (event.key==K_h):
local_user.key_h = 'D'
elif (event.key==K_LCTRL):
local_user.key_lctrl = 'D'
# Control physics for Jello Madness
elif ((event.key==K_p) and not self.shift_key_down()):
air_table.stop_physics = not air_table.stop_physics
if (not air_table.stop_physics):
env.game_time_s = 0
print "game loop is active again"
print "game loop is paused"
elif ((event.key==K_p) and self.shift_key_down()):
if (env.constant_dt_s == None):
env.constant_dt_s = 1.0/env.FR_avg.result
print "physics engine is stepping in equal intervals of 1 /", int( env.FR_avg.result)
env.constant_dt_s = None
print "physics engine steps are floating with the game loop"
elif ((event.key==K_e) and (self.shift_key_down())):
env.inhibit_screen_clears = not env.inhibit_screen_clears
print "inhibit_screen_clears =", env.inhibit_screen_clears
elif (event.key==K_t):
self.generalTimer = not self.generalTimer
if (self.generalTimer):
self.general_timer_s = 0
print "timer reset and started"
print "timer stopped"
# Note: the printing of the return value is restricted to a set of expected values.
return "nothing set up for this key"
elif (event.type == pygame.KEYUP):
# Jet keys
if (event.key==K_a):
local_user.key_a = 'U'
elif (event.key==K_s):
local_user.key_s = 'U'
elif (event.key==K_d):
local_user.key_d = 'U'
elif (event.key==K_w):
local_user.key_w = 'U'
# Gun keys
elif (event.key==K_j):
local_user.key_j = 'U'
elif (event.key==K_k):
local_user.key_k = 'U'
elif (event.key==K_l):
local_user.key_l = 'U'
elif (event.key==K_i):
local_user.key_i = 'U'
elif (event.key==K_SPACE):
local_user.key_space = 'U'
# Zoom keys
elif (event.key==K_b):
local_user.key_b = 'U'
elif (event.key==K_n):
local_user.key_n = 'U'
elif (event.key==K_m):
local_user.key_m = 'U'
elif (event.key==K_h):
local_user.key_h = 'U'
elif (event.key==K_LCTRL):
local_user.key_lctrl = 'U'
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
local_user.buttonIsStillDown = True
(button1, button2, button3) = pygame.mouse.get_pressed()
if button1:
local_user.mouse_button = 1
elif button2:
local_user.mouse_button = 2
elif button3:
local_user.mouse_button = 3
local_user.mouse_button = 0
elif event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP:
local_user.buttonIsStillDown = False
local_user.mouse_button = 0
elif ((event.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION) and (local_user.key_lctrl == 'D')):
#print "in mousemotion block", event.pos, event.rel[0], event.rel[1]
self.viewOffset_2d_px -= Vec2D(event.rel[0], -event.rel[1])
# In all cases, pass the event to the Gui.
if local_user.buttonIsStillDown:
# This will select a puck when the puck runs into the cursor of the mouse with it's button still down.
local_user.cursor_location_px = (mouseX, mouseY) = pygame.mouse.get_pos()
class GameWindow:
def __init__(self, screen_tuple_px, title):
self.width_px = screen_tuple_px[0]
self.height_px = screen_tuple_px[1]
# The initial World position vector of the Upper Right corner of the screen.
# Yes, that's right y_px = 0 for UR.
self.UR_2d_m = env.ConvertScreenToWorld(Vec2D(self.width_px, 0))
# Create a reference to the display surface object. This is a pygame "surface".
# Screen dimensions in pixels (tuple)
self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_tuple_px)
def update_caption(self, title):
pygame.display.set_caption( title)
self.caption = title
def update(self):
def clear(self):
# Useful for shifting between the various demos.
# Functions
def setup_pool_shot():
env.always_render = True
env.constant_dt_s = 1/20.0
env.inhibit_wall_collisions = True
env.inhibit_screen_clears = True
# Randomize the starting x position of the incoming puck. Elastic pucks make it reversible.
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(random.random()-0.3, 4.80), 0.45, 0.3, THECOLORS["orange"], coef_rest=1.0, CR_fixed=True, vel_2d_mps=Vec2D( 25.0, 0.0)) )
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(4.0, 4.30), 0.45, 0.3, coef_rest=1.0, CR_fixed=True, vel_2d_mps=Vec2D( 0.0, 0.0)) )
def make_some_pucks(resetmode):
game_window.update_caption("Air Table V.3: Demo #" + str(resetmode))
env.inhibit_wall_collisions = False
env.inhibit_screen_clears = False
env.correct_for_wall_penetration = True
env.correct_for_puck_penetration = True
air_table.collision_count = 0
env.always_render = False
env.constant_dt_s = None
air_table.perfect_kiss = False
if resetmode == '1p':
env.correct_for_puck_penetration = False
air_table.perfect_kiss = False
elif resetmode == '2p':
env.correct_for_puck_penetration = True
air_table.perfect_kiss = False
elif resetmode == '3p':
env.correct_for_puck_penetration = True
air_table.perfect_kiss = True
elif resetmode == 1:
# ,radius,density
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(2.5, 7.5), 0.25, 0.3, THECOLORS["orange"]))
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(6.0, 2.5), 0.45, 0.3)) # maybe not.
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(7.5, 2.5), 0.65, 0.3))
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(2.5, 5.5), 1.65, 0.3))
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(7.5, 7.5), 0.95, 0.3))
elif resetmode == 2:
spacing_factor = 2.0
grid_size = 4,2
for j in range(grid_size[0]):
for k in range(grid_size[1]):
if ((j,k) == (1,1)):
puck_color_value = THECOLORS["orange"]
puck_color_value = THECOLORS["grey"]
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(spacing_factor*(j+1), spacing_factor*(k+1)), 0.75, 0.3, puck_color=puck_color_value))
elif resetmode == 3:
spacing_factor = 1.5
grid_size = 5,3
for j in range(grid_size[0]):
for k in range(grid_size[1]):
if ((j,k) == (2,2)):
puck_color_value = THECOLORS["orange"]
puck_color_value = THECOLORS["grey"]
air_table.pucks.append( Puck( Vec2D(spacing_factor*(j+1), spacing_factor*(k+1)), 0.55, 0.3, puck_color=puck_color_value))
elif resetmode == 4:
spacing_factor = 1.1
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
grid_size = 5,4
grid_size = 6,5
for j in range( grid_size[0]):
for k in range( grid_size[1]):
if ((j,k) == (2,2)):
puck_color_value = THECOLORS["orange"]
puck_color_value = THECOLORS["grey"]
air_table.pucks.append( Puck( Vec2D( spacing_factor*(j+1), spacing_factor*(k+1)), radius_m=0.25, density_kgpm2=1.0,
CR_fixed=False, coef_rest=0.9) )
elif resetmode == 5:
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(2.00, 3.00), 0.4, 0.3) )
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(3.50, 4.50), 0.4, 0.3) )
# No springs on this one.
#air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(3.50, 7.00), 0.95, 0.3) )
spring_strength_Npm2 = 20.0 #18.0
spring_length_m = 1.5
air_table.springs.append( Spring(air_table.pucks[0], air_table.pucks[1], spring_length_m, spring_strength_Npm2, width_m=0.2))
elif resetmode == 6:
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
density = 2.0
radius = 0.7
# Lower the CR for these pucks and fix them, using CR_fixed, so when gravity
# toggles on/off they stay at these levels.
coef_rest_puck = 0.50
spring_strength_Npm2 = 300.0
spring_length_m = 2.5
spring_width_m = 0.07
spring_drag = 0.0
spring_damper = 10.0
density = 1.5
radius = 0.7
coef_rest_puck = 0.70
spring_strength_Npm2 = 400.0
spring_length_m = 2.5
spring_width_m = 0.07
spring_drag = 0.0
spring_damper = 5.0
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(2.00, 3.00), radius, density, coef_rest=coef_rest_puck, CR_fixed=True) )
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(3.50, 4.50), radius, density, coef_rest=coef_rest_puck, CR_fixed=True) )
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(5.00, 3.00), radius, density, coef_rest=coef_rest_puck, CR_fixed=True) )
# No springs on this one.
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(3.50, 7.00), 0.95, density, coef_rest=coef_rest_puck, CR_fixed=True) )
air_table.springs.append( Spring(air_table.pucks[0], air_table.pucks[1],
spring_length_m, spring_strength_Npm2, width_m=spring_width_m, drag_c=spring_drag))
air_table.springs.append( Spring(air_table.pucks[1], air_table.pucks[2],
spring_length_m, spring_strength_Npm2, width_m=spring_width_m, drag_c=spring_drag))
air_table.springs.append( Spring(air_table.pucks[2], air_table.pucks[0],
spring_length_m, spring_strength_Npm2, width_m=spring_width_m, drag_c=spring_drag))
# Increase the shock-absorber strength for each spring.
for spring in air_table.springs:
spring.damper_Ns2pm2 = spring_damper
elif resetmode == 7:
#env.constant_dt_s = 1.0/200.0 # 1.0/200.0 None
air_table.collision_checking_enabled = True
env.game_time_s = 0
offset_xy_m = Vec2D(2.5, 2.1)
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
spacing_factor = 1.0
grid_size = 3
density = 45.0
cr7 = 0.85
radius = 0.25
spring_strength_Npm2 = 800.0 #18.0
spring_length_m = 1.2
spring_damper_Ns2pm2 = 5.0
spacing_factor = 1.0
grid_size = 3
density = 5.0
cr7 = 0.85
radius = 0.25
spring_strength_Npm2 = 800.0 #18.0
spring_length_m = 1.1
spring_damper_Ns2pm2 = 20.0
diagonal_scaling = 1.41 # 1.41 (for square jello)
grid = grid_size, grid_size
for j in range(grid[0]):
for k in range(grid[1]):
if ((j,k) == (2,2)):
air_table.pucks.append( Puck( Vec2D( spacing_factor*(j+1), spacing_factor*(k+1)) + offset_xy_m, radius, density, THECOLORS["orange"], coef_rest=cr7, CR_fixed=True) )
air_table.pucks.append( Puck( Vec2D( spacing_factor*(j+1), spacing_factor*(k+1)) + offset_xy_m, radius, density, coef_rest=cr7, CR_fixed=True) )
# Horizontal springs (between neighbors)
for m in range(grid_size*(grid_size-1)):
air_table.springs.append( Spring(air_table.pucks[m], air_table.pucks[m+grid_size], spring_length_m, spring_strength_Npm2, spring_color=THECOLORS["blue"]))
# Vertical springs
for m in range(grid_size-1):
for n in range(grid_size):
o_index = m + (n * grid_size)
#print "index:", m, n, o_index, o_index+1
air_table.springs.append( Spring(air_table.pucks[o_index], air_table.pucks[o_index+1], spring_length_m, spring_strength_Npm2, spring_color=THECOLORS["blue"]))
# Diagonal springs
for m in range(0, grid_size-1):
for n in range(1, grid_size):
o_index = m + (n * grid_size)
air_table.springs.append( Spring(air_table.pucks[o_index], air_table.pucks[o_index-(grid_size-1)], spring_length_m * diagonal_scaling, spring_strength_Npm2, spring_color=THECOLORS["yellow"]))
# Diagonal springs (perpendicular to the other diagonals)
for m in range(0, grid_size-1):
for n in range(0, grid_size-1):
o_index = m + (n * grid_size)
air_table.springs.append( Spring(air_table.pucks[o_index], air_table.pucks[o_index+(grid_size+1)], spring_length_m * diagonal_scaling, spring_strength_Npm2, spring_color=THECOLORS["yellow"]))
# Set the shock-absorber strength for each spring.
for spring in air_table.springs:
spring.damper_Ns2pm2 = spring_damper_Ns2pm2
elif resetmode == 8:
air_table.collision_checking_enabled = True
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
# for Raspberry Pi
density = 1.0
# ,radius,density
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(5.0, 2.5), 0.30, density))
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(4.0, 2.5), 0.30, density))
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(7.5, 2.5), 0.65, density))
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(7.5, 5.0), 0.85, density))
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(7.5, 7.5), 1.15, density))
# Make some pinned-spring pucks.
for m in range(0, 3):
pinPoint_2d = Vec2D(2.0 + float(m) * 1.65, 4.0)
tempPuck = Puck(pinPoint_2d, 0.7, density*5.0, THECOLORS["orange"])
air_table.pucks.append( tempPuck)
air_table.springs.append( Spring(tempPuck, pinPoint_2d, strength_Npm=300.0, width_m=0.02, drag_c = 1.5 + 10.0))
density = 0.7
# ,radius,density
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(5.0, 2.5), 0.15, density))
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(4.0, 2.5), 0.15, density))
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(7.5, 2.5), 0.65, density))
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(7.5, 5.0), 0.85, density))
air_table.pucks.append( Puck(Vec2D(7.5, 7.5), 1.15, density))
# Make some pinned-spring pucks.
for m in range(0, 6):
pinPoint_2d = Vec2D(2.0 + float(m) * 0.65, 4.0)
tempPuck = Puck(pinPoint_2d, 0.25, density, THECOLORS["orange"])
air_table.pucks.append( tempPuck)
air_table.springs.append( Spring(tempPuck, pinPoint_2d, strength_Npm=300.0, width_m=0.02, drag_c=1.5))
# Make user/client controllable pucks
# for all the clients.
y_puck_position_m = 1.0
for client_name in env.clients:
if env.clients[client_name].active:
tempPuck = Puck(Vec2D(6.0, y_puck_position_m), 0.45, density)
# Let the puck reference the jet and the jet reference the puck.
tempPuck.client_name = client_name
tempPuck.jet = Jet( tempPuck)
tempPuck.gun = Gun( tempPuck)
air_table.pucks.append( tempPuck)
air_table.controlled_pucks.append( tempPuck)
y_puck_position_m += 1.2
# Reset the hit counters.
env.clients[client_name].bullet_hit_count = 0
# Keep gun on in a testing puck...
if args.testPuck == 'on':
tempPuck = Puck(Vec2D(6.0, y_puck_position_m), 0.45, density)
# Let the puck reference the jet and the jet reference the puck.
tempPuck.client_name = "test"
env.clients[tempPuck.client_name] = Client(env.client_colors[tempPuck.client_name])
tempPuck.jet = Jet( tempPuck)
tempPuck.gun = Gun( tempPuck)
tempPuck.gun.testing_gun = True
# The default position at instantiation is 45 degrees counter-clockwise from vertical.
# The degree value specified here is relative to that +45. Negative values are clockwise.
tempPuck.gun.rotate_everything( -110)
air_table.pucks.append( tempPuck)
air_table.controlled_pucks.append( tempPuck)
elif resetmode == 9:
# Make user/client controllable pucks
# for all the clients.
y_puck_position_m = 1.0
for client_name in env.clients:
if env.clients[client_name].active:
tempPuck = Puck(Vec2D(6.0, y_puck_position_m), 0.45, 0.3)
# Let the puck reference the jet and the jet reference the puck.
tempPuck.client_name = client_name
tempPuck.jet = Jet( tempPuck)
tempPuck.gun = Gun( tempPuck)
air_table.pucks.append( tempPuck)
air_table.controlled_pucks.append( tempPuck)
y_puck_position_m += 1.2
print "Nothing set up for this key."
def display_number(numeric_value, font_object, mode='FPS'):
if mode=='FPS':
fps_value = "%.0f" % numeric_value
if (env.constant_dt_s != None):
# Small background rectangle for FPS text (left, top, width, height)
pygame.draw.rect( game_window.surface, THECOLORS["white"], pygame.Rect(10, 10, 64, 20))
fps_string = fps_value + " (" + str( int( 1/env.constant_dt_s)) + ")"
pygame.draw.rect( game_window.surface, THECOLORS["white"], pygame.Rect(10, 10, 35, 20))
fps_string = fps_value
txt_surface = font_object.render( fps_string, True, THECOLORS["black"])
game_window.surface.blit( txt_surface, [18, 11])
elif mode=='counter':
pygame.draw.rect( game_window.surface, THECOLORS["white"], pygame.Rect(10, 40, 40, 20))
cnt_string = "%.0f" % numeric_value
txt_surface = font_object.render( cnt_string, True, THECOLORS["black"])
game_window.surface.blit( txt_surface, [18, 41])
elif mode=='gameTimer':
time_string = "%.2f" % numeric_value
txt_surface = font_object.render( time_string, True, THECOLORS["white"])
game_window.surface.blit( txt_surface, [600, 11])
elif mode=='generalTimer':
time_string = "%.1f" % numeric_value
txt_surface = font_object.render( time_string, True, THECOLORS["white"])
game_window.surface.blit( txt_surface, [740, 5])
# Main procedural script.
def main():
# A few globals.
global env, game_window, air_table, args, dt_render_s, dt_physics_s
# Parse parameters provided in the command line.
# This description string (and parameter help) gets displayed if help is requested (-h added after the filename).
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Please add optional client parameters after the file name. For example: \n' +
'A16c_2D_B2D_serverN.py off')
# An optional positional argument.
parser.add_argument('testPuck', type=str, nargs='?', default='on', help='Please indicate whether the practice puck should be on or off (default is on).')
args = parser.parse_args()
print "testPuck:", args.testPuck
myclock = pygame.time.Clock()
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
window_dimensions_px = (800, 700) #window_width_px, window_height_px (600, 500)
window_dimensions_px = (800, 700) #window_width_px, window_height_px (800, 700)
# Create the first user/client and the methods for moving between the screen and the world.
env = Environment(window_dimensions_px, 10.0) # 10m in along the x axis.
game_window = GameWindow(window_dimensions_px, 'Air Table Server V.2')
# Define the Left, Right, Bottom, and Top boundaries of the game window.
air_table = AirTable({"L_m":0.0, "R_m":game_window.UR_2d_m.x, "B_m":0.0, "T_m":game_window.UR_2d_m.y})
# Add some pucks to the table.
demo_mode = 1
make_some_pucks( demo_mode)
# Setup network server.
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
local_ip = commands.getoutput("hostname -I")
local_ip = socket.gethostbyname(socket.gethostname())
print "Server IP address:", local_ip
game_server = GameServer(localaddr=(local_ip, 4330))
# Font object for rendering text onto display surface.
fnt_FPS = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 14)
fnt_generalTimer = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 25)
fnt_gameTimer = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 60)
dt_render_s = 0.0
dt_render_limit_s = 1.0/120.0 # = 1/FR
# An object containing the running average of the framerate of the physics calculations.
if platform.system() == 'Linux':
env.FR_avg.n_target = 50 #50
env.FR_avg.n_target = 500 #Default is 300
while True:
if (env.constant_dt_s != None):
gameLoop_FR_limit = int(1.0/env.constant_dt_s)
gameLoop_FR_limit = 480 # default
dt_gameLoop_s = float( myclock.tick( gameLoop_FR_limit) * 1e-3)
if (env.constant_dt_s != None):
dt_physics_s = env.constant_dt_s
dt_physics_s = dt_gameLoop_s
if air_table.FPS_display:
env.FR_avg.update( 1/dt_gameLoop_s)
# Get input from local user.
resetmode = env.get_local_user_input()
# This dt check avoids problem when dragging the game window.
if ( ((dt_gameLoop_s < 0.10) and (not air_table.stop_physics)) or env.always_render):
ok_to_render = (dt_render_s > dt_render_limit_s) or env.always_render
# Reset the game based on local user control.
if resetmode in ["1p","2p","3p",1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0]:
demo_mode = resetmode
print resetmode
# This should remove all references to the pucks and effectively kill them off. If there were other
# variables referring to this list, this would not stop the pucks.
# Delete all the objects on the table. Cleaning out these list reference to these objects effectively
# deletes the objects. Notice the controlled list must be cleared also.
air_table.pucks = []
air_table.controlled_pucks = []
air_table.springs = []
# Now just black out the screen.
# Reinitialize the demo.
make_some_pucks( demo_mode)
if ok_to_render:
# Get input from network clients.
for client_name in env.clients:
# Calculate client related forces.
if ok_to_render:
# Control the zoom
for controlled_puck in air_table.controlled_pucks:
# Rotate based on keyboard of the controlling client.
controlled_puck.jet.client_rotation_control( controlled_puck.client_name)
controlled_puck.gun.client_rotation_control( controlled_puck.client_name)
# Turn gun on/off
controlled_puck.gun.control_firing( controlled_puck.client_name)
# Turn shield on/off
controlled_puck.gun.control_shield( controlled_puck.client_name)
# Calculate jet forces on pucks...
for controlled_puck in air_table.controlled_pucks:
controlled_puck.jet.turn_jet_forces_onoff( controlled_puck.client_name)
# Calculate the forces the springs apply on the pucks...
for eachspring in air_table.springs:
# Apply forces to the pucks and calculate movements.
for eachpuck in air_table.pucks:
air_table.update_PuckSpeedAndPosition( eachpuck, dt_physics_s * env.timeDirection)
# Check for puck-wall and puck-puck collisions and make penetration corrections.
air_table.check_for_collisions( dt_physics_s * env.timeDirection)
if ok_to_render:
# Erase the blackboard.
if not env.inhibit_screen_clears:
if (air_table.perfect_kiss):
gray_level = 40
if not air_table.g_ON:
game_window.surface.fill((0,0,0)) # Black
#gray_level = 50
game_window.surface.fill((0,82,110)) # Blue
# Display game timer text.
if air_table.FPS_display:
display_number( env.FR_avg.result, fnt_FPS, mode='FPS')
if (air_table.perfect_kiss):
display_number( air_table.collision_count, fnt_FPS, mode='counter')
if (demo_mode == 7):
display_number( env.game_time_s, fnt_gameTimer, mode='gameTimer')
if (env.generalTimer):
display_number( env.general_timer_s, fnt_generalTimer, mode='generalTimer')
# Clean out old bullets.
puck_list_copy = air_table.pucks[:]
for thisPuck in puck_list_copy:
if (thisPuck.bullet) and ((env.time_s - thisPuck.birth_time_s) > thisPuck.age_limit_s):
del puck_list_copy
# Now draw pucks, springs, mouse tethers, and jets.
# Draw boundaries of table.
for eachpuck in air_table.pucks:
if (eachpuck.jet != None):
if env.clients[eachpuck.client_name].active or (eachpuck.client_name == 'test'):
for eachspring in air_table.springs:
for client_name in env.clients:
if (env.clients[client_name].selected_puck != None):
# Draw cursors for network clients.
if ((client_name != 'local') and env.clients[client_name].active):
dt_render_s = 0
# Limit the rendering framerate to be below that of the physics calculations.
dt_render_s += dt_gameLoop_s
# Keep track of time for deleting old bullets.
env.time_s += dt_gameLoop_s
# Jello madness game timer
if (air_table.tangled):
env.game_time_s += dt_gameLoop_s
if (env.generalTimer):
env.general_timer_s += dt_gameLoop_s
# Run the main program.