#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Filename: A15_air_table_objects.py
Core objects for the air table physics simulation.
This module defines the physical objects that can exist in the simulation:
Wall: Static boundary objects with collision detection
Puck: Dynamic objects with physics properties (mass, velocity, etc.)
Spring: Elastic connections between pucks with customizable properties
Jet: Propulsion system that can be attached to pucks
Gun: Weapon system that can be mounted on pucks
RotatingTube: Base class for rotatable attachments (Jet/Gun)
Each object supports Box2D integration for advanced physics simulation when enabled.
import math
import random
from typing import Optional, Union, Tuple, Dict, List
import pygame
from pygame.color import THECOLORS
# Import the vector class from a local module
from A09_vec2d import Vec2D
# Global variables shared across scripts
import A15_globals as A15
from Box2D import (b2World, b2Vec2, b2PolygonShape, b2_dynamicBody, b2AABB,
b2QueryCallback, b2ContactListener)
class Wall:
def __init__(self, pos_2d_m, half_width_m, half_height_m, angle_radians=0.0,
color=THECOLORS["gray"], border_px=3, fence=False):
self.pos_2d_m = pos_2d_m
self.half_width_m = half_width_m
self.half_height_m = half_height_m
self.angle_radians = angle_radians
self.color = color
self.border_px = border_px
self.fence = fence
self.b2d_body = self.create_Box2d_Wall()
def create_Box2d_Wall(self):
# Create a static body
static_body = A15.air_table.b2d_world.CreateStaticBody(position=b2Vec2(self.pos_2d_m.tuple()), angle=self.angle_radians )
# And add a box fixture onto it.
static_body.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(self.half_width_m, self.half_height_m))
return static_body
def delete(self):
# Remove the wall from the world in box2d.
A15.air_table.walls.remove( self)
def draw(self):
fixture_shape = self.b2d_body.fixtures[0].shape
vertices_screen_2d_px = []
for vertex_object_2d_m in fixture_shape.vertices:
vertex_world_2d_m = self.b2d_body.transform * vertex_object_2d_m # Overload operation
vertex_screen_2d_px = A15.env.ConvertWorldToScreen( Vec2D(vertex_world_2d_m.x, vertex_world_2d_m.y)) # This returns a tuple
vertices_screen_2d_px.append( vertex_screen_2d_px) # Append to the list.
pygame.draw.polygon(A15.game_window.surface, self.color, vertices_screen_2d_px, A15.env.zoomLineThickness(self.border_px))
class Puck:
def __init__(self, pos_2d_m, radius_m, density_kgpm2, vel_2d_mps=Vec2D(0.0,0.0),
c_drag=0.0, coef_rest=0.85, CR_fixed=False,
hit_limit=50.0, show_health=False,
color=THECOLORS["gray"], client_name=None, bullet=False, pin=False, border_px=3,
rect_fixture=False, aspect_ratio=1.0, friction=0.2, friction_fixed=False, c_angularDrag=0.0):
self.radius_m = radius_m
self.radius_px = round(A15.env.px_from_m(self.radius_m * A15.env.viewZoom))
self.density_kgpm2 = density_kgpm2 # mass per unit area
self.mass_kg = self.density_kgpm2 * math.pi * self.radius_m ** 2
self.c_drag = c_drag
self.coef_rest = coef_rest
self.CR_fixed = CR_fixed
# For a Box2d puck.
self.friction = friction
self.friction_fixed = friction_fixed
self.pos_2d_m = pos_2d_m
self.vel_2d_mps = vel_2d_mps
self.SprDamp_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.jet_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.cursorString_spring_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.cursorString_puckDrag_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.puckDrag_force_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.impulse_2d_Ns = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.selected = False
# For a Box2d puck.
self.rotation_speed = 0.0
self.c_angularDrag = c_angularDrag
self.cursorString_torque_force_Nm = 0
# Non-center of mass (COM). #b2d
# This is a list of dictionaries: each dictionary contains a force and a body location
self.nonCOM_N = []
self.color = color
self.border_thickness_px = border_px
self.client_name = client_name
self.jet: Optional[Jet] = None
self.gun: Optional[Gun] = None
self.hit = False
self.hitflash_duration_timer_s = 0.0
# Make the hit flash persist for this number of seconds:
self.hitflash_duration_timer_limit_s = 0.05
self.show_health = show_health
# bullet nature
self.bullet = bullet
self.birth_time_s = A15.air_table.time_s
self.age_limit_s = 3.0
# Keep track of health.
self.bullet_hit_count = 0
self.bullet_hit_limit = hit_limit
# For a Box2d puck.
self.aspect_ratio = aspect_ratio
self.rect_fixture = rect_fixture
# Add puck to the lists of pucks, controlled pucks, and target pucks.
if not pin:
if (A15.engine_type == 'box2d'):
self.b2d_body = self.create_Box2d_Puck()
A15.air_table.puck_dictionary[self.b2d_body] = self
self.b2d_body = None
if not self.bullet:
if self.client_name:
# If you print an object instance...
def __str__(self):
return f"puck: x is {self.pos_2d_m.x}, y is {self.pos_2d_m.y}"
# Box2d
def create_Box2d_Puck(self):
# Create a dynamic body
dynamic_body = A15.air_table.b2d_world.CreateDynamicBody(position=b2Vec2(self.pos_2d_m.tuple()), angle=0,
if self.rect_fixture:
# And add a box fixture onto it.
dynamic_body.CreatePolygonFixture(box=(self.radius_m, self.radius_m * self.aspect_ratio), density=self.density_kgpm2,
friction=self.friction, restitution=self.coef_rest)
# Set the mass attribute based on what box2d calculates.
self.mass_kg = dynamic_body.mass
# And add a circle fixture onto it.
dynamic_body.CreateCircleFixture(radius=self.radius_m , density=self.density_kgpm2,
friction=self.friction, restitution=self.coef_rest)
# fluid drag inside Box2D
# Note that linear damping is accounted for external to box2d using the c_drag attribute.
dynamic_body.linearDamping = 0.0 # This must stay 0.0 to avoid double-counting the damping.
dynamic_body.angularDamping = self.c_angularDrag
dynamic_body.bullet = self.bullet
return dynamic_body
# Box2d
def get_Box2d_XandV(self):
# Position
box2d_pos_2d_m = self.b2d_body.GetWorldPoint(b2Vec2(0,0))
self.pos_2d_m = Vec2D( box2d_pos_2d_m.x, box2d_pos_2d_m.y)
# Velocity
box2d_vel_2d_m = self.b2d_body.linearVelocity
self.vel_2d_mps = Vec2D( box2d_vel_2d_m.x, box2d_vel_2d_m.y)
# Rotational speed.
self.rotation_speed = self.b2d_body.angularVelocity
def delete(self):
if (A15.engine_type == 'box2d'):
# Remove the puck from the dictionary.
del A15.air_table.puck_dictionary[self.b2d_body]
# Remove the puck from the world in box2d.
if (not self.bullet):
# Delete any springs that connect this puck to other pucks.
for spring in A15.air_table.springs[:]:
if (spring.p1 == self) or (spring.p2 == self):
A15.air_table.springs.remove( spring)
# Remove the puck from special lists.
if self in A15.air_table.controlled_pucks:
if self in A15.air_table.target_pucks:
def calc_regularDragForce(self):
self.puckDrag_force_2d_N = self.vel_2d_mps * -1 * self.c_drag
def draw(self, tempColor=None):
# Convert x,y to pixel screen location and then draw.
self.pos_2d_px = A15.env.ConvertWorldToScreen( self.pos_2d_m)
# Update based on zoom factor in px_from_m.
self.radius_px = round(A15.env.px_from_m( self.radius_m))
if (self.radius_px < 2):
self.radius_px = 2
# Just after a hit, fill the whole circle with RED (i.e., thickness = 0).
if self.hit:
puck_border_thickness = 0
puck_color = THECOLORS["red"]
self.hitflash_duration_timer_s += A15.env.dt_render_limit_s
if self.hitflash_duration_timer_s > self.hitflash_duration_timer_limit_s:
self.hit = False
puck_border_thickness = self.border_thickness_px
if (tempColor != None):
puck_color = tempColor
puck_color = self.color
if self.rect_fixture:
# Box2d
fixture_shape = self.b2d_body.fixtures[0].shape
vertices_screen_2d_px = []
for vertex_object_2d_m in fixture_shape.vertices:
vertex_world_2d_m = self.b2d_body.transform * vertex_object_2d_m # Overload operation
vertex_screen_2d_px = A15.env.ConvertWorldToScreen( Vec2D(vertex_world_2d_m.x, vertex_world_2d_m.y)) # This returns a tuple
vertices_screen_2d_px.append( vertex_screen_2d_px) # Append to the list.
pygame.draw.polygon(A15.game_window.surface, puck_color, vertices_screen_2d_px, A15.env.zoomLineThickness(puck_border_thickness))
# Draw main puck body.
pygame.draw.circle( A15.game_window.surface, puck_color, self.pos_2d_px, self.radius_px, A15.env.zoomLineThickness(puck_border_thickness))
if (A15.engine_type == 'box2d'):
# If it's not a bullet and not a rectangle, draw a spoke to indicate rotational orientation.
if ((self.bullet == False) and (self.rect_fixture==False)):
# Shorten the spoke by a fraction of the thickness so that its end (and the blocky rendering) is hidden in the border.
reduction_m = A15.env.px_to_m * self.border_thickness_px * 0.50
point_on_radius_b2d_m = self.b2d_body.GetWorldPoint( b2Vec2(0.0, self.radius_m - reduction_m))
point_on_radius_2d_m = Vec2D( point_on_radius_b2d_m.x, point_on_radius_b2d_m.y)
point_on_radius_2d_px = A15.env.ConvertWorldToScreen( point_on_radius_2d_m)
point_at_center_b2d_m = self.b2d_body.GetWorldPoint( b2Vec2(0.0, 0.0))
point_at_center_2d_m = Vec2D( point_at_center_b2d_m.x, point_at_center_b2d_m.y)
point_at_center_2d_px = A15.env.ConvertWorldToScreen( point_at_center_2d_m)
pygame.draw.line(A15.game_window.surface, puck_color, point_on_radius_2d_px, point_at_center_2d_px, A15.env.zoomLineThickness(puck_border_thickness))
# Round the end of the spoke that is at the center of the puck.
#pygame.draw.circle( A15.game_window.surface, puck_color, self.pos_2d_px, 0.7 *A15.env.zoomLineThickness(puck_border_thickness), 0)
# Draw life (poor health) indicator circle.
if (not self.bullet and self.show_health):
spent_fraction = float(self.bullet_hit_count) / float(self.bullet_hit_limit)
if self.rect_fixture:
life_radius_px = spent_fraction * self.radius_px * self.aspect_ratio
life_radius_px = spent_fraction * self.radius_px
if (life_radius_px < 2.0):
life_radius_px = 2.0
pygame.draw.circle(A15.game_window.surface, THECOLORS["red"], self.pos_2d_px, life_radius_px, A15.env.zoomLineThickness(2))
class RotatingTube:
def __init__(self, puck, sf_abs=False):
# Associate the tube with the puck.
self.puck = puck
self.color = A15.env.clients[self.puck.client_name].cursor_color
# Degrees of rotation per second.
self.rotation_rate_dps = 360.0
# Scaling factors to manage the aspect ratio of the tube.
if sf_abs: # Absolute
self.sf_x = 0.15
self.sf_y = 0.50
else: # Relative
self.sf_x = 0.15 * (self.puck.radius_m/0.45)
self.sf_y = 0.50 * (self.puck.radius_m/0.45)
# Notice the counter-clockwise drawing pattern. Four vertices for a rectangle.
# Each vertex is represented by a vector.
self.tube_vertices_2d_m = [Vec2D(-0.50 * self.sf_x, 0.00 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D( 0.50 * self.sf_x, 0.00 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D( 0.50 * self.sf_x, 1.00 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D(-0.50 * self.sf_x, 1.00 * self.sf_y)]
# Define a normal (1 meter) pointing vector to keep track of the direction of the jet.
self.direction_2d_m: Vec2D = Vec2D(0.0, 1.0)
def rotate_vertices(self, vertices_2d_m, angle_deg):
for vertex_2d_m in vertices_2d_m:
vertex_2d_m.rotated( angle_deg, sameVector=True)
def rotate_everything(self, angle_deg):
# Rotate the pointer.
self.direction_2d_m.rotated( angle_deg, sameVector=True)
# Rotate the tube.
self.rotate_vertices( self.tube_vertices_2d_m, angle_deg)
def convert_from_world_to_screen(self, vertices_2d_m, base_point_2d_m):
vertices_2d_px = []
for vertex_2d_m in vertices_2d_m:
# Calculate absolute position of this vertex.
vertices_2d_px.append( A15.env.ConvertWorldToScreen(vertex_2d_m + base_point_2d_m))
return vertices_2d_px
def draw_tube(self, line_thickness=3):
# Draw the tube on the game-window surface. Establish the base_point as the center of the puck.
pygame.draw.polygon(A15.game_window.surface, self.color,
self.convert_from_world_to_screen(self.tube_vertices_2d_m, self.puck.pos_2d_m), A15.env.zoomLineThickness(line_thickness))
class Jet(RotatingTube):
def __init__(self, puck, sf_abs=True):
# Associate the jet with the puck (referenced in the RotatingTube class).
super().__init__(puck, sf_abs=sf_abs)
# Degrees of rotation per second.
self.rotation_rate_dps = 360.0
self.color = THECOLORS["yellow4"]
# The jet flame (triangle)
self.flame_vertices_2d_m =[Vec2D(-0.50 * self.sf_x, 1.02 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D( 0.50 * self.sf_x, 1.02 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D(-0.00 * self.sf_x, 1.80 * self.sf_y)]
# The nose (triangle)
self.nose_vertices_2d_m =[Vec2D(-0.50 * self.sf_x, -1.02 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D( 0.50 * self.sf_x, -1.02 * self.sf_y),
Vec2D(-0.00 * self.sf_x, -1.40 * self.sf_y)]
# Scaler magnitude of jet force.
self.jet_force_N = 1.3 * self.puck.mass_kg * abs(A15.air_table.gON_2d_mps2.y)
# Point everything down for starters.
self.rotate_everything( 180)
self.client = A15.env.clients[self.puck.client_name]
def turn_jet_forces_onoff(self):
if (self.client.key_w == "D"):
# Force on puck is in the opposite direction of the jet tube.
self.puck.jet_force_2d_N = self.direction_2d_m * (-1) * self.jet_force_N
self.puck.jet_force_2d_N = self.direction_2d_m * 0.0
def client_rotation_control(self):
if (self.client.key_a == "D"):
self.rotate_everything( +1 * self.rotation_rate_dps * A15.env.dt_render_limit_s)
if (self.client.key_d == "D"):
self.rotate_everything( -1 * self.rotation_rate_dps * A15.env.dt_render_limit_s)
if (self.client.key_s == "D"):
# Rotate jet tube to be in the same direction as the motion of the puck.
puck_velocity_angle = self.puck.vel_2d_mps.get_angle()
current_jet_angle = self.direction_2d_m.get_angle()
self.rotate_everything(puck_velocity_angle - current_jet_angle)
# Reset this so it doesn't keep flipping. Just want it to flip the
# direction once but not keep flipping.
# This first line is enough to keep the local client from flipping again because
# the local keyboard doesn't keep sending the "D" event if the key is held down.
self.client.key_s = "U"
# This second one is also needed for the network clients because they keep
# sending the "D" until they release the key.
self.client.key_s_onoff = "OFF"
def rotate_everything(self, angle_deg):
# Rotate the pointer.
self.direction_2d_m.rotated( angle_deg, sameVector=True)
# Rotate the tube.
self.rotate_vertices( self.tube_vertices_2d_m, angle_deg)
# Rotate the nose.
self.rotate_vertices( self.nose_vertices_2d_m, angle_deg)
# Rotate the flame.
self.rotate_vertices( self.flame_vertices_2d_m, angle_deg)
def draw(self):
if self.client.drone: return
# Draw the jet tube.
# Draw a little nose cone on the other side of the puck from the jet. This is a visual aid
# to help the player see the direction the puck will go when the jet is on.
pygame.draw.polygon(A15.game_window.surface, THECOLORS["yellow1"],
self.convert_from_world_to_screen(self.nose_vertices_2d_m, self.puck.pos_2d_m), 0)
# Draw the red flame.
if (self.client.key_w == "D"):
pygame.draw.polygon(A15.game_window.surface, THECOLORS["red"],
self.convert_from_world_to_screen(self.flame_vertices_2d_m, self.puck.pos_2d_m), 0)
class Gun( RotatingTube):
def __init__(self, puck, sf_abs=True):
# Associate the gun with the puck (referenced in the RotatingTube class).
super().__init__(puck, sf_abs=sf_abs)
# Degrees of rotation per second.
self.rotation_rate_dps = 180.0
self.color = A15.env.clients[self.puck.client_name].cursor_color
# Run this method of the RotationTube class to set the initial angle of each new gun.
self.rotate_everything( 45)
self.bullet_speed_mps = 5.0
self.fire_time_s = A15.air_table.time_s
self.firing_delay_s = 0.1
self.bullet_count = 0
self.bullet_count_limit = 10
self.gun_recharge_wait_s = 2.5
self.gun_recharge_start_time_s = A15.air_table.time_s
self.gun_recharging = False
self.shield = False
self.shield_hit = False
self.shield_hit_duration_s = 0.0
# Make the hit remove the shield for this number of seconds:
self.shield_hit_duration_limit_s = 0.05
self.shield_hit_count = 0
self.shield_hit_count_limit = 20
self.shield_recharging = False
self.shield_recharge_wait_s = 4.0
self.shield_recharge_start_time_s = A15.air_table.time_s
self.shield_thickness = 5
self.targetPuck = None
self.client = A15.env.clients[self.puck.client_name]
def client_rotation_control(self):
if (self.client.key_j == "D"):
self.rotate_everything( +self.rotation_rate_dps * A15.env.dt_render_limit_s)
if (self.client.key_l == "D"):
self.rotate_everything( -self.rotation_rate_dps * A15.env.dt_render_limit_s)
if (self.client.key_k == "D"):
# Rotate jet tube to be in the same direction as the motion of the puck.
puck_velocity_angle = self.puck.vel_2d_mps.get_angle()
current_gun_angle = self.direction_2d_m.get_angle()
self.rotate_everything(puck_velocity_angle - current_gun_angle)
# Reset this so it doesn't keep flipping. Just want it to flip the
# direction once but not keep flipping.
# This first line is enough to keep the local client from flipping again because
# the local keyboard doesn't keep sending the "D" event if the key is held down.
self.client.key_k = "U"
# This second one is also needed for the network clients because they keep
# sending the "D" until they release the key.
self.client.key_k_onoff = "OFF"
def drone_rotation_control(self):
if self.targetPuck:
vectorToTarget = self.targetPuck.pos_2d_m - self.puck.pos_2d_m
angle_change = vectorToTarget.get_angle() - self.direction_2d_m.get_angle()
self.rotate_everything( angle_change + 1.0)
def findNewTarget(self):
puck_indexes = list( range( len( A15.air_table.target_pucks)))
# Shuffle them.
random.shuffle( puck_indexes)
for puck_index in puck_indexes:
puck = A15.air_table.target_pucks[ puck_index]
# Other than itself, pick a new target.
if (puck != self.puck) and (puck != self.targetPuck):
self.targetPuck = puck
def control_firing(self):
droneShooting = self.client.drone and (len(A15.air_table.target_pucks) > 1)
# Fire only if the shield is off.
if ((self.client.key_i == "D") and (not self.shield)) or droneShooting:
# Fire the gun.
if ((A15.air_table.time_s - self.fire_time_s) > self.firing_delay_s) and (not self.gun_recharging):
self.bullet_count += 1
# Timestamp the firing event.
self.fire_time_s = A15.air_table.time_s
# Check to see if gun bullet count indicates the need to start recharging.
if (self.bullet_count > self.bullet_count_limit):
self.gun_recharge_start_time_s = A15.air_table.time_s
self.gun_recharging = True
self.bullet_count = 0
# At the beginning of the charging period, find a new target. This gives a human player an indication
# of what the drone is targeting. And since this is at the beginning of the gun charging period, it gives
# the player some time for evasive maneuvers.
if self.client.drone:
# If recharged.
if (self.gun_recharging and (A15.air_table.time_s - self.gun_recharge_start_time_s) > self.gun_recharge_wait_s):
self.gun_recharging = False
# If the puck the drone is aiming at has been destroyed, find a new target before starting to shoot.
if self.client.drone and not (self.targetPuck in A15.air_table.target_pucks):
def fire_gun(self):
bullet_radius_m = 0.05
# Set the initial position of the bullet so that it clears (doesn't collide with) the host puck.
initial_position_2d_m = (self.puck.pos_2d_m +
(self.direction_2d_m * (1.1 * self.puck.radius_m + 1.1 * bullet_radius_m)) )
# Relative velocity of the bullet: the bullet velocity as seen from the host puck. This is the
# speed of the bullet relative to the motion of the host puck (host velocity BEFORE the firing of
# the bullet).
bullet_relative_vel_2d_mps = self.direction_2d_m * self.bullet_speed_mps
# Absolute velocity of the bullet
bullet_absolute_vel_2d_mps = self.puck.vel_2d_mps + bullet_relative_vel_2d_mps
temp_bullet = Puck(initial_position_2d_m, bullet_radius_m, 0.3, vel_2d_mps=bullet_absolute_vel_2d_mps, bullet=True)
temp_bullet.color = self.client.cursor_color
temp_bullet.client_name = self.puck.client_name
# Calculate the recoil impulse from firing the gun (opposite the direction of the bullet).
self.puck.impulse_2d_Ns = bullet_relative_vel_2d_mps * temp_bullet.mass_kg * (-1)
def control_shield(self):
if (self.client.key_space == "D") and (not self.shield_recharging):
self.shield = True
self.shield = False
# Check to see if the shield hit count indicates the need to start recharging.
if self.shield_hit_count > self.shield_hit_count_limit:
self.shield_recharge_start_time_s = A15.air_table.time_s
self.shield = False
self.shield_recharging = True
self.shield_hit_count = 0
self.shield_thickness = A15.env.zoomLineThickness(5 * (1 - self.shield_hit_count/self.shield_hit_count_limit), noFill=True)
# If recharged.
if (self.shield_recharging and (A15.air_table.time_s - self.shield_recharge_start_time_s) > self.shield_recharge_wait_s):
self.shield_recharging = False
def draw(self):
# Draw the gun tube.
if (self.gun_recharging):
line_thickness = 3
# Fill in the gun tube.
line_thickness = 0
# Draw the jet tube.
self.draw_tube( line_thickness)
def draw_shield(self):
if (self.shield):
if self.shield_hit:
# Don't draw the shield for a moment after the hit. This visualizes the shield hit.
self.shield_hit_duration_s += A15.env.dt_render_limit_s
if (self.shield_hit_duration_s > self.shield_hit_duration_limit_s):
self.shield_hit = False
# Display the shield 5px outside of the puck.
shield_radius_px = self.puck.radius_px + round(5 * A15.env.viewZoom)
pygame.draw.circle(A15.game_window.surface, self.color,
self.puck.pos_2d_px, shield_radius_px, self.shield_thickness)
class Spring:
def __init__(self, p1, p2, length_m=3.0, strength_Npm=0.5, color=THECOLORS["yellow"], width_m=0.025, c_damp=0.5, c_drag=0.0):
# Optionally this spring can have one end pinned to a vector point. Do this by passing in p2 as a vector.
if (p2.__class__.__name__ == 'Vec2D'):
# Create a point puck at the pinning location.
# The location of this point puck will never change because
# it is not in the pucks list that is processed by the
# physics engine.
p2 = Puck( p2, 1.0, 1.0, pin=True)
p2.vel_2d_mps = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
length_m = 0.0
self.p1 = p1
self.p2 = p2
self.p1p2_separation_2d_m = Vec2D(0,0)
self.p1p2_separation_m = 0
self.p1p2_normalized_2d = Vec2D(0,0)
self.length_m = length_m
self.strength_Npm = strength_Npm
self.damper_Ns2pm2 = c_damp # 5.0 0.05 0.15
self.unstretched_width_m = width_m # 0.05
self.c_drag = c_drag
self.spring_vertices_2d_m = []
self.spring_vertices_2d_px = []
self.color = color
self.draw_as_line = False
# Automatically add this spring to the air_table springs list
def calc_spring_forces_on_pucks(self):
self.p1p2_separation_2d_m = self.p1.pos_2d_m - self.p2.pos_2d_m
self.p1p2_separation_m = self.p1p2_separation_2d_m.length()
# The pinned case needs to be able to handle the zero length spring. The
# separation distance will be zero when the pinned spring is at rest.
# This will cause a divide by zero error if not handled here.
if ((self.p1p2_separation_m == 0.0) and (self.length_m == 0.0)):
spring_force_on_1_2d_N = Vec2D(0.0,0.0)
self.p1p2_normalized_2d = self.p1p2_separation_2d_m / self.p1p2_separation_m
# Spring force: acts along the separation vector and is proportional to the separation distance.
spring_force_on_1_2d_N = self.p1p2_normalized_2d * (self.length_m - self.p1p2_separation_m) * self.strength_Npm
# Damper force: acts along the separation vector and is proportional to the relative speed.
v_relative_2d_mps = self.p1.vel_2d_mps - self.p2.vel_2d_mps
v_relative_alongNormal_2d_mps = v_relative_2d_mps.projection_onto(self.p1p2_separation_2d_m)
damper_force_on_1_N = v_relative_alongNormal_2d_mps * self.damper_Ns2pm2
# Net force by both spring and damper
SprDamp_force_2d_N = spring_force_on_1_2d_N - damper_force_on_1_N
# This force acts in opposite directions for each of the two pucks. Notice the "+=" here, this
# is an aggregate across all the springs. This aggregate MUST be reset (zeroed) after the movements are
# calculated. So by the time you've looped through all the springs, you get the NET force, on each puck,
# applied by all the individual springs.
self.p1.SprDamp_force_2d_N += SprDamp_force_2d_N * (+1)
self.p2.SprDamp_force_2d_N += SprDamp_force_2d_N * (-1)
# Add in some drag forces if a non-zero drag coef is specified. These are based on the
# velocity of the pucks (not relative speed as is the case above for damper forces).
self.p1.SprDamp_force_2d_N += self.p1.vel_2d_mps * (-1) * self.c_drag
self.p2.SprDamp_force_2d_N += self.p2.vel_2d_mps * (-1) * self.c_drag
def width_to_draw_m(self):
width_m = self.unstretched_width_m * (1 + 0.30 * (self.length_m - self.p1p2_separation_m))
if width_m < (0.05 * self.unstretched_width_m):
self.draw_as_line = True
width_m = 0.0
self.draw_as_line = False
return width_m
def draw(self):
# Change the width to indicate the stretch or compression in the spring. Note, it's good to
# do this outside of the main calc loop (using the rendering timer). No need to do all this each
# time step.
width_m = self.width_to_draw_m()
# Calculate the four corners of the spring rectangle.
p1p2_perpendicular_2d = self.p1p2_normalized_2d.rotate90()
self.spring_vertices_2d_m = []
self.spring_vertices_2d_m.append(self.p1.pos_2d_m + (p1p2_perpendicular_2d * width_m))
self.spring_vertices_2d_m.append(self.p1.pos_2d_m - (p1p2_perpendicular_2d * width_m))
self.spring_vertices_2d_m.append(self.p2.pos_2d_m - (p1p2_perpendicular_2d * width_m))
self.spring_vertices_2d_m.append(self.p2.pos_2d_m + (p1p2_perpendicular_2d * width_m))
# Transform from world to screen.
self.spring_vertices_2d_px = []
for vertice_2d_m in self.spring_vertices_2d_m:
self.spring_vertices_2d_px.append( A15.env.ConvertWorldToScreen( vertice_2d_m))
# Draw the spring
if self.draw_as_line == True:
pygame.draw.aaline(A15.game_window.surface, self.color, A15.env.ConvertWorldToScreen(self.p1.pos_2d_m),
pygame.draw.polygon(A15.game_window.surface, self.color, self.spring_vertices_2d_px)