#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Filename: A02_air_track_framework.py
# Python
import sys, os
import pygame
import datetime
# PyGame Constants
from pygame.locals import K_ESCAPE, K_1, K_2, K_3, K_4, K_5
from pygame.color import THECOLORS
# Classes
class GameWindow:
def __init__(self, screen_tuple_px):
self.width_px = screen_tuple_px[0]
self.height_px = screen_tuple_px[1]
# Create a reference to display's surface object. This object is a pygame "surface".
# Screen dimensions in pixels (tuple)
self.surface = pygame.display.set_mode(screen_tuple_px)
# Paint screen black.
def update_caption(self, title):
self.caption = title
def erase_and_update(self):
# Useful for shifting between the various demos.
class Detroit:
def __init__(self, color=THECOLORS["white"], left_px=10, width_px=26, height_px=98, speed_mps=1):
self.color = color
self.height_px = height_px
self.top_px = game_window.height_px - self.height_px
self.width_px = width_px
self.width_m = env.m_from_px( width_px)
self.halfwidth_m = self.width_m/2.0
self.height_m = env.m_from_px( height_px)
# Initialize the position and speed of the car. These are affected by the
# physics calcs in the Track.
self.center_m = env.m_from_px(left_px) + self.halfwidth_m
self.speed_mps = speed_mps
# Create a rectangle object based on these dimensions
# Left: distance from the left edge of the screen in px.
# Top: distance from the top edge of the screen in px.
self.rect = pygame.Rect(left_px, self.top_px, self.width_px, self.height_px)
def draw_car(self):
# Update the pixel position of the car's rectangle object to match the value
# controlled by the physics calculations.
self.rect.centerx = env.px_from_m( self.center_m)
# Draw the main rectangle.
pygame.draw.rect(game_window.surface, self.color, self.rect)
class AirTrack:
def __init__(self):
# Initialize the list of cars.
self.cars = []
def update_SpeedandPosition(self, car, dt_s):
# Calculate the new physical car position
car.center_m = car.center_m + (car.speed_mps * dt_s)
def make_some_cars(self, nmode):
# Clear out any existing cars
self.cars = []
# Create a filtered list of vibrant colors
vibrant_colors = []
for color_name, color_value in THECOLORS.items():
# Skip colors that are too close to gray
r, g, b = color_value[:3] # Get RGB values
# Skip if all RGB values are too close together (indicates grayscale)
if not (abs(r - g) < 30 and abs(g - b) < 30 and abs(r - b) < 30):
if (nmode == 1):
self.cars.append( Detroit(color=THECOLORS["red"], left_px = 240, speed_mps= 0.2))
self.cars.append( Detroit(color=THECOLORS["blue"], left_px = 340, speed_mps= -0.2))
elif (nmode == 2):
self.cars.append( Detroit(color=THECOLORS["yellow"], left_px = 240, speed_mps= -0.1))
self.cars.append( Detroit(color=THECOLORS["green"], left_px = 440, speed_mps= -0.2))
elif (nmode == 3):
n_colors = 20
for j in range(min(n_colors, len(vibrant_colors))):
self.cars.append( Detroit(color=vibrant_colors[j], width_px=15, left_px=450,
speed_mps=0.05*(j-n_colors/2.0)) )
elif (nmode == 4):
n_colors = 180
for j in range(min(n_colors, len(vibrant_colors))):
self.cars.append( Detroit(color=vibrant_colors[j], width_px=15, left_px=450,
speed_mps=0.01*(j-n_colors/2.0)) )
elif (nmode == 5):
n_colors = 300
for j in range(min(n_colors, len(vibrant_colors))):
self.cars.append( Detroit(color=vibrant_colors[j], width_px=15, left_px=450,
speed_mps=0.01*(j-n_colors/2.0)) )
# Update the caption at the top of the pygame window frame.
game_window.update_caption("Air Track (basic): Demo #" + str(nmode))
class Environment:
def __init__(self, length_px, length_m):
self.px_to_m = length_m/length_px
self.m_to_px = length_px/length_m
# Convert from meters to pixels
def px_from_m(self, dx_m):
return round(dx_m * self.m_to_px)
# Convert from pixels to meters
def m_from_px(self, dx_px):
return dx_px * self.px_to_m
def get_local_user_input(self):
# Get all the events since the last call to get().
for event in pygame.event.get():
if (event.type == pygame.QUIT):
return 'quit'
elif (event.type == pygame.KEYDOWN):
if (event.key == K_ESCAPE):
return 'quit'
elif (event.key==K_1):
return 1
elif (event.key==K_2):
return 2
elif (event.key==K_3):
return 3
elif (event.key==K_4):
return 4
elif (event.key==K_5):
return 5
return "Nothing set up for this key."
elif (event.type == pygame.KEYUP):
elif (event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN):
elif (event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONUP):
# Main procedural functions.
def main():
# A few globals.
global env, game_window, air_track
# Initiate pygame
# Tuple to define window dimensions
window_size_px = window_width_px, window_height_px = (950, 120)
# Instantiate an Environment object for converting back and forth from pixels and meters.
# The also creates the local client.
env = Environment(window_width_px, 1.5)
# Instantiate the window.
game_window = GameWindow(window_size_px)
# Instantiate an air track (this adds an empty car list to the track).
air_track = AirTrack()
# Make some cars (run demo #1).
# Instantiate clock to help control the framerate.
myclock = pygame.time.Clock()
# Control the framerate.
framerate_limit = 400
time_s = 0.0
user_done = False
while not user_done:
# Erase everything.
# Get the delta t for one frame (this changes depending on system load).
dt_s = myclock.tick(framerate_limit) * 1e-3
# Check for user initiated stop or demo change.
resetmode = env.get_local_user_input()
if (resetmode in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]):
print("reset mode =", resetmode)
# This should remove all references to the cars and effectively deletes them.
air_track.cars = []
# Now just black everything out and update the screen.
# Build new set of cars based on the reset mode.
air_track.make_some_cars( resetmode)
elif (resetmode == 'quit'):
user_done = True
elif (resetmode != None):
# Update speed and x position of each car based on the dt_s for this frame.
for car in air_track.cars:
air_track.update_SpeedandPosition(car, dt_s)
# Draw the car at the new position.
for car in air_track.cars:
# Update the total time since starting.
time_s += dt_s
# Make this update visible on the screen.
# Run the main program.